Monday, April 21
Like Glenn Reynolds, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs has linked to Expelled Exposed, drawing the predictable ire of many of his readers in a thread that's 1600 comments and growing fast. (Update: 2300 comments, and still growing.)
Let's be clear: Charles - again like Glenn - comes down firmly on the side of science. And does so in the full knowledge of what will happen. I can rant freely here and rarely get more than a handful of comments. PZ Myers can point out Ben Stein's follies and be guaranteed a mostly supportive audience. Charles knew he was going to ignite a flame war, but he waded in anyway, because this stuff matters.
Also because, hey, who doesn't love a flame war?
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
12:55 PM
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Wildly off-topic.
Are we not able to tweak the "post date" field under "options" in the post editing page? I had an old draft I decided to publish, but it's stuck half-way down the mainpage based on the original draft date. I've tried to adjust the post date to push it to the top without making it sticky, but it won't budge.
Posted by: Will at Tuesday, April 22 2008 09:44 AM (WnBa/)
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Tuesday, April 22 2008 11:43 AM (+rSRq)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tuesday, April 22 2008 01:04 PM (PiXy!)
why link captain stupid in the first place?
Posted by: matoko_chan at Wednesday, April 23 2008 07:18 AM (bqE4v)
not when he mentioned stein.
when he linked captain stupid.
i had been spammin dr. reynolds with expelledexposed links for a week.
i sent dr. reynolds a fisk of ed's post.
yet....he still linked him.
Posted by: matoko_chan at Wednesday, April 23 2008 08:18 AM (bqE4v)
if....dr. reynolds is squarely on the side of science.....Glenn called Intelligent Design "pernicious twaddle", which is as accurate a description as you can get in two words.
why link captain stupid in the first place?
He's posted a number of times on the subject of academic freedom, and that's probably why he linked to the review of Expelled - unaware that on that subject as well the film is largely pernicious twaddle. When I sent him the link, he was happy to post it.
I'm not sure why he used my link and not yours. I did spend some time carefully phrasing my email to be as concise as possible; he must get hundreds of emails a day, after all.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Wednesday, April 23 2008 08:51 AM (PiXy!)
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