This accidentally fell out of her pocket when I bumped into her. Took me four goes.
Monday, June 29
I've Got WTF News, And I've Got Burned Too Many Times News
The other serverâ„¢ blew up again. I was meaning to transfer the two remaining sites on that server to the new system over the weekend, but I ended up having to work Friday night and Saturday, and then I was too tired to focus on server stuff and watched Gurren Lagann instead.
So, naturally, it died the very next day.
That's the WTF part.
On the burned too many times side of things, however, I have a full backup from an hour before the server died.
In fact, I have two full backups from an hour before the server died. Plus a full backup from the previous day, and another from the day before that, and one from last week, and from the previous week, and... Yeah. Burned too many times.
Update: Drive failure. That makes two in what, three months? In a server that only has two drives in the first place.
They're 500GB Western Digital drives. I don't have any 500GB WD drives... Oh, wait, I do have one, and it sucks, but that's the external enclosure, not the drive itself. But I have, um, 14 other Western Digital drives in use at home (is that a lot?) bought over the last three years, and not one of them has failed. So... Bad batch? Insufficient airflow? Cosmic rays? Evil leprechauns? Karma? Or just the hard drive destruction bunny spreading the joy around? I dunno.
I was sitting here trying to think of a brand of HD's that I thought highly of. Western Digital? Nope. Seagate? Huh-uh.
IBM. Those were always the best ones. Except that I don't think IBM is in that business any longer.
I guess Toshiba is the only brand of HDs I really trust anymore. And I'm not even sure they are still in that business. (Man, I'm out of touch these days.)
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Tuesday, June 30 2009 08:57 AM (+rSRq)
IBM? You don't remember the "Deathstar" (Deskstar GXP 75)?
Those things died like flies at a frog farm. In fact, they're why IBM is no longer in the HD business.
The only redeeming feature was that they made horrible noises when they were on the way out, so you usually had time to rescue your data.
I had, of course, eight of them.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tuesday, June 30 2009 11:04 AM (PiXy!)
Maxtor. I have two Maxtor drives, one of them nearing nine years old, and they both work like a charm.
I don't have anything important on the nine-year-old drive, of course.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Tuesday, June 30 2009 11:37 AM (8kQ8M)
When I worked at Sun, we shipped a large number of IBM drives in our arrays at one point, after which it turned out that those IBM drives leaked oil from bearings on the surfaces and would die within 18 months. Mind, we're talking expensive as all heck enterprise drives. It was a major undertaking to replace all of them under warranty, and it cost us some (I don't remember what financial arrangements were with IBM, but in any case it was extra work that someone had to do). Fortunately, IBM didn't do any good Fibre Channel drives, so we shipped Seagates in the next generation product.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Tuesday, June 30 2009 02:00 PM (/ppBw)
Are you using the 4TB server that you mentioned? (Is that deal still being offered?)
Posted by: Jim Burdo at Thursday, July 02 2009 09:28 PM (2i7ug)
If you only wanted one server, though, you could do even better at Same datacenter, even more bandwidth (the name is a hint!) but less configurable.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Thursday, July 02 2009 11:53 PM (PiXy!)
Couldn't find any moeblobs to watch, so I went back and picked up Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann from where I'd left off. And ended up doing an overnight marathon, which I don't think I've done since Escaflowne.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Monday, June 29 2009 11:40 AM (/ppBw)
You're right, in the first half of the show she's definitely that.
At least, on the Gurren Lagann universe moe scale, in which the queen of moeblobs rides a giant mutant dog across the post-apocalyptic wasteland, battling evil mecha with home-made explosives.
The Gurren Lagann awesome field affects everyone.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, June 29 2009 01:44 PM (PiXy!)
But I want to protect her, because clearly Rossieu isn't going to.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Monday, June 29 2009 02:34 PM (/ppBw)
House is finished until later this year; Mythbusters appears to be hiated. Ashes to Ashes is done until 2010. Dr Who and Torchwood aren't even running regular seasons this year.
All I have left is the special episode of K-On! and then I'm all out of stuffs to watch and will have to look for new stuffs.
Oh, I do have Stardust on DVD. There's that.
I would have happily watched 26 episodes of K-On! even though they clearly didn't have 26 episodes worth of material. But still, it's best to go out on a high note rather than wear out your welcome. Crom knows we don't need any more mediocre anime.
Oh, and suggestions are actually welcome here.
If you know of a good moeblob show I might have missed, feel free to comment. Or any really good recent anime; one of my favourite series of recent years was Black Lagoon, a show not exactly renowned for its moeitude.
An aside: Just to make it clear, I have a ton of unwatched DVDs and fansubs, not to mention the hundreds of old VHS tapes and laserdisks. I just don't have the energy. In fact, I'm feeling awfully Yui-ish right now.
Speaking of our chocolate curry hotpot girl, the K-On! special was a really nice way to close out the series. There'll be another special along with the DVD release, but apparently they've pretty much caught up with the manga, so that's all for now.
I just went and read the article on moeblobs, and there is one in Macademi Wasshoi. Suzuho, the "cute mute" cousin, when her hair is brown and tied up in the pony tail.
Of course, Suzuka, her alter ego, is rough talking and profane, so that rather dilutes the effect. And Suzuho tends to remove her hair ribbon when she wants to cuss someone out. At least once she starts cussing before she's begun the transformation. (That was at the end of ep 12.)
I don't think Tanarot counts as a moeblob.
On the other hand, I think Falche does count as one. (Falche is my favorite character.)
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Saturday, June 27 2009 03:09 AM (+rSRq)
I'm supposed to be a moefag, and I'm coming up empty. Maybe true tears (haven't seen it)? The last moeblob show I watched was ef ~memories~, long time ago. Toradora was just a romcom. I'm running Otogi Juushi Akazukin (Fairy Musketeers), but jury is still out on that. Are you done with all the old things like Hidamari (x365), Sketchbook, et. al.? Nogizaka Haruka?
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Saturday, June 27 2009 04:45 AM (/ppBw)
I'll take a look at *sketch* though. There's another one like that starting this season as well: GA Fine Arts Department Art Design Class. Definitely moeblob material.
I have watched half of Macademi Wasshoi. I liked it okay, but it didn't really grab me. Suzuho is definitely moeblob, though.
And my next computer (planning to get a small Windows development server) will almost certainly be called Tanarotte, since she seems to be the only good candidate for petite anime schoolgirl goddess so far this year. Bending the definition just a little... (My three current computers are Haruhi, Yurie, and Nagi. I also have two diminutive fileservers called Pepper and Salt.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Saturday, June 27 2009 03:48 PM (PiXy!)
I understand about the Evallergies, believe me. In its defense, I will say that Petit Eva has nothing to do with the Eva you've seen in the past. :-)
Posted by: Wonderduck at Saturday, June 27 2009 11:25 PM (eVY9y)
I hear tell there are moeblobs in Higurashi. Haven't seen it, myself, so I couldn't say for sure... (heh)
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Sunday, June 28 2009 12:07 AM (+rSRq)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, June 28 2009 12:23 AM (PiXy!)
Although I didn't complete either of original Hidamari, x365, or Sketchbook, I think I liked Hidamari better than others. Sketchbook has a lot of elaborate humour and iyashikei elements melded together, and looks like a very solid production, but Hidamari has Yoshinoya, Yuno, Miyako, etc. Sketchbook simply has no answer to Yuno's power. Sora is not as cute, not as nice and shiny.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Sunday, July 12 2009 09:11 AM (/ppBw)
I've found that while I only watch one or two episodes at a time, I keep coming back to Hidamari. My weakness is for Sae, though, more than Yuno.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, July 12 2009 11:25 AM (PiXy!)
Oh and Chrome pastes the URL from the URL bar as a hyperlink. Stupid Chrome.
* Is it still a day job when you're up at 3AM?
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
03:54 AM
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Monday, June 22
I'm tidying up all the files for Winter Collection, and I discovered that I hadn't saved the final version of the source file for the first track. I had saved it, but then I'd done some more changes, and not saved those, and then produced the .mp3 I uploaded from that unsaved version.
Spent about 30 minutes fiddling with it trying to get it back the way it was, then realised that what I'd done was put an intensity hold on it, which is why that track sounds so mellow. That done, I was able to reproduce it exactly.
I think.
I don't have a .wav output of the original either, so the best I can do is compare the original .mp3's waveforms with the new one. Or do a blind test to see if I can tell the difference.
Update: Eyeballing the waveforms, it's very close up to the 1:57 mark, then it diverges. Looks like some more tweaking is in order.
Update: Eurgh. Well, the sequence of notes is exactly right. Now I just have to place - at most - 17 intensity markers at half-section intervals until each sub-section matches exactly. Sigh.
Update: Aha! Had it almost right except for the ending. I couldn't persuade it to do an automatic fade and switch sections on cue; I could do one or the other, or I could switch sections and do a manual fade, but I knew I hadn't done a manual fade before, so it meant I was missing something. And so I was. Even when you manually place all your intensity cues, the composition parameter still affects the ending. When I set it back from 1 to 4, I was able to match the original mix.
Hedghehog Launch 2 is out, with a brand new destination, and a brand new delivery route:
It provides that special thrill you only get from strapping wriggling
little animals into an elastic band and then snapping them through the
core of the earth. Don't pretend you don't know what we're talking
I know not much has been heard from the Electric Ant Orchestra in the last couple of years, but we're still alive, still making music in our own weird way. And here for your enjoyment (or otherwise) is our latest album, Winter Collection.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Saturday, June 20 2009 12:58 AM (PiXy!)
Big Daddy Pixy? I don't know if it's just me or what, but ever since the upgrade I've noticed two perhaps-bugs.
1) If a spam-comment is put into a thread, it gets blocked but the comment count increases. Clicking on "comments" to read the thread opens... nothing.
2) I've been experiencing a huge slowdown on all blogs, including my own. It takes 20 seconds to open the "add link" or "add image" windows in the editor, not to mention just trying to visit a blog.
I know it's not on my end, because non-mee/ sites open just fine and I'm able to download things at my normal rate.
Thanks for all your efforts, Pixy ol' saint!
Posted by: Wonderduck at Sunday, June 21 2009 09:20 AM (hlGBx)
#1 is a known problem. I need to fiddle with that.
#2... Um. I haven't experienced any problems. Hmm. Hrm. (Just tried the linky thing there.)
Could you open a Command Prompt window, and do the following:
ping ping
And let me know what IP address it finds for each one? Maybe you're still going to the old server and getting redirected to the new one every time.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, June 21 2009 09:34 AM (PiXy!)
Cache cleared. If I go to a mu/ site directly, it loads fairly swiftly, but if I follow a link (say, via my blogroll, or Steven's), it crawls.
The "backstage" pages at The Pond are still crawling.
I'm experiencing the same thing on three different browsers: Firefoxy 3, IE7, and whatever browser it is that AoL uses these days (some variant of IE).
Posted by: Wonderduck at Sunday, June 21 2009 05:26 PM (8kQ8M)
Huh. That's seriously weird. Let me have a think.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, June 21 2009 08:27 PM (PiXy!)
It all still works, it's just slow. I used dialup until October 2007, I can deal with this until it fixes itself or you work your usual magic!
Posted by: Wonderduck at Monday, June 22 2009 03:53 AM (hlGBx)