This accidentally fell out of her pocket when I bumped into her. Took me four goes.
Thursday, September 24
A Dust Storm?
Apparently there was a
dust storm in Sydney yesterday. The dust storm was mostly in the early morning, and later on it was just windy, so I missed most of it. All I knew until I saw the
pictures later was that the sky was a bit of a funny colour (which was also true last week when they were burning undergrowth near where I live) and that my hayfever was going crazy (which was also true last week when...)
Apparently the sky was bright orange. I missed it all. I can see the stuff on my floor now, though. I wiped some of it up with a tissue and it is a distinct salmon colour, rather than the usual grey of household dust. I'll have to mop and vacuum the place - but maybe not just yet, because it's expected to return this weekend.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
05:58 PM
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Post contains 148 words, total size 1 kb.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Saturday, September 26 2009 04:14 PM (+rSRq)
Fortunately, he was just visiting. He got his picture taken holding a koala and went home happy.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Saturday, September 26 2009 11:36 PM (PiXy!)
Sexist! Why do you assume it was a "he"? (Man, some people...)
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Sunday, September 27 2009 01:29 PM (+rSRq)
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Monday, September 21
In keeping with the convention of petite anime schoolgirl goddesses - more or less - I'm building a new server for PixyLabs and naming it
I was going to build another little storage cube and name it Sugar (I already have Pepper and Salt), but they ran out of the Acer EasyStore systems I was using, and anything similar now costs about twice as much. Since I already had a spare case sitting around, it would only cost me about $100 more* to get a whole new server. So I did.
Details: Phenom II X4 945 95W CPU, Gigabyte GA-MA790GP-UD4H, 4 x Corsair 2GB DDR2-1066 CAS 5 RAM, 6 x 1TB Seagate 7200.12 SATA HDD, Pioneer 218 IDE DVD burner**, Lian Li PC V-600B case plus EX-23NB drive bay kit, Corsair HX-520 modular PSU. Fedora 11 64-bit plus OpenVZ.
* Well, I ended up spending another $200 to expand it from 4TB to 6TB, and another $100 to go from a dual-core CPU to quad core, so in the end it was really $400 more. Which is what always happens once you start down this route... ** The IDE DVD drive is because the motherboard only has six SATA ports and I want to install six disk drives.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
12:35 PM
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Post contains 210 words, total size 1 kb.
"Tanarotte" --
great choice!!
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Monday, September 21 2009 02:52 PM (+rSRq)
Only problem is it doesn't
quite fit the naming convention. The goddess in question is supposed to also be the lead character (which Tanarotte isn't, really) and be the titular character of the show.
But near enough.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, September 21 2009 05:57 PM (PiXy!)
Furthermore, Tanarotte hasn't expressed an affinity yet. She's divine but neither god nor demon.
Still, it's a good choice.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Monday, September 21 2009 10:06 PM (+rSRq)
Comments are disappearing.
Vanishing even
Pixy do you know wh.....OH SH....
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Tuesday, September 22 2009 12:28 PM (V5zw/)
If you mean where it says 6 Comments but only shows 2, that's because I did a bulk spam zap. I need to run the little utility that fixes the comment counts. I need to
find the little utility that fixes the comment counts...
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tuesday, September 22 2009 03:47 PM (PiXy!)
If you mean where it says 6 Comments but only shows 2, that's because I did a bulk spam zap.
Nah, I figured that was what was going on with those...I mean that non-spammy comments vanished nearly everything after August 18th.
I know I deleted at least one in error when I deleted a particularly large wave of pulled pork shoulder, but several others vanished sometime after that. Note that all nonspam comments made since Friday are still up.
I am amused that this spammer is named "ugg".
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Wednesday, September 23 2009 07:57 AM (V5zw/)
That happened here, too, temporarily. For a while Pixy's "most recent comments" list all were from 2008 some time. It seems to have been a transient condition, though.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Wednesday, September 23 2009 09:32 AM (+rSRq)
Well, it just happened here again, sort of. Pixy's "recent comment" sidebar is now several days out of date.
By the way, Pixy, stay indoors! Don't you be suffocating on the dust, now!
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Wednesday, September 23 2009 03:48 PM (+rSRq)
(Interesting. And with my comment, the sidebar is back up to date.)
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Wednesday, September 23 2009 03:49 PM (+rSRq)
Ah, yeah, that's the same problem. The bulk spam kill messes up the recent comment lookup as well.
I need to write a proper bulk despamming routine.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Wednesday, September 23 2009 03:49 PM (PiXy!)
I wonder if all the effort was worth it. Anyway congrats for you. You know what you are doing. All the best.
Firme de curatenie
Posted by: Admino at Sunday, March 14 2010 07:13 PM (J4iAf)
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Tuesday, September 15
Doing Your Part
A while back I calculated, very back-of-the-envelopely, that we could offset carbon dioxide emissions if we all bought (and kept) three books a week. But I didn't show my work, and I'm not sure my numbers are right.
So, let's see. From
here there's a net of 4 billion tons of CO
2 added to the atmosphere every year. That represents just over a billion tons of carbon - CO
2 is 27% carbon by weight.
If everyone on Earth bought three books a week, that's a trillion books a year, more or less (156 books per person x 6.7 billion people = 1.045 trillion books). If each book weighs one kilogram (so we're not talking paperbacks here, unless the author is Neal Stephenson) that's a billion tons of paper. But paper (well, I'm using cellulose for my numbers) is only 44% carbon by weight, so that's not actually a billion tons of sequestered carbon. I think that's where I went astray before.
So, dividing 3 books by .44 to get the real number, we learn that a book a day keeps global warming at bay.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
10:46 PM
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Post contains 187 words, total size 1 kb.
...and you can burn them to counteract global cooling, so it's win-win! :-)
Posted by: J Greely at Wednesday, September 16 2009 08:08 AM (9Nz6c)
I'm doing my part!
Off topic--we are being bombarded with spam. I just ran the Blacklist spam finder over the last hundred thousand (yes, 100k) comments, and there are still at least 500 spam comments still to weed out from PP and Munuviana alone (I've zapped several thousand from the few blogs I have permissions for). Anything you can do to stop these pesky boot-sellers, Darling Pixy?
Posted by: Susie at Wednesday, September 16 2009 01:31 PM (3OYxd)
Out of the last 150000 comments, there are 412 comments on entries for
which you have editing privileges that match your search criteria.
Posted by: Susie at Wednesday, September 16 2009 01:36 PM (3OYxd)
Thanks Susie!
Yes, I'll give the boot bootleggers the boot.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Wednesday, September 16 2009 03:46 PM (PiXy!)
They are still winning!
Out of the last 150000 comments, there are 1571 comments on entries for
which you have editing privileges that match your search criteria.
Posted by: Susie at Wednesday, September 16 2009 11:59 PM (3OYxd)
Sorry about that. Had to pull another all-nighter at work.
Okay, 60,000 comments deleted, several dozen IPs banned, and blacklist updated appropritely. That should slow them down a bit.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Thursday, September 17 2009 05:07 AM (PiXy!)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Thursday, September 17 2009 05:38 AM (PiXy!)
Hey, Pixy, Wonderduck here. I'm in Chicago, at my mother's bedside, but I'm not sure when I'll have firefoxy access (this visitor computer has nothing but IE).
Could you leave a short message at The Pond saying that I'll be in-and-out of contact for a while for me? I think you still have access, yah?
Then delete this comment, if you want.
Thank you much, Poppa Pixy!
Posted by: Wonderduck at Sunday, September 20 2009 02:24 AM (29dFo)
No problem, Wonderduck.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, September 20 2009 12:24 PM (PiXy!)
The same spammer is hitting you and hitting Brickmuppet. But it's interesting: the spammer's embedded anchors are turning into links here,
but not on Brickmuppet's. Does Ambient Irony use different rules, or run different code?
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Monday, September 21 2009 05:39 AM (+rSRq)
same spammer is hitting you and hitting Brickmuppet
...and what's this deal about a "boot sexperience"?
Posted by: Old Grouch at Monday, September 21 2009 07:35 AM (KyCzn)
Spam? What spam?
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, September 21 2009 08:54 AM (PiXy!)
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Monday, September 14
Good Grief
I've been reading
It's definitely one of those can't-look-away things. After a two-volume flash-forward, we go back to watch our hero, Guts (yes, really) grow up. From his humble beginnings as a battlefield orphan born during what TVTropes aptly terms
the Dung Ages, Guts works his way up to lieutenant of a successful mercenary company before everything goes - quite literally - to hell.
Manga is the perfect medium for this story. In the hands of any less than the most brilliant of authors, as a purely written work it would lose much of its impact.* And as live action film or television, it would be unwatchably horrifying.
There's an anime of it, which covers the first part of the flash-forward and then what's known as the
Golden Age arc. This did and didn't make sense to me at first. On the one hand, the Golden Age arc - the flashback to Guts growing up and the adventures of the aforementioned mercenary company - are certainly the least disturbing part of the story, and the best suited for animation... Up until the end of the arc, which is possibly the
most disturbing part of the story.
So either they left out the real ending of that arc - and there's no other sensible place to end it - or they animated something really horrifying.
Oh, who am I fooling. This is
Japan. Here are the descriptions of the last three episodes, with spoilers removed: (Warning: Squicky stuff after the jump.)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
10:42 PM
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Post contains 476 words, total size 3 kb.
I followed the TV Tropes link. Darn you! I want my evening back! ;p
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Tuesday, September 15 2009 06:10 PM (vGfoR)
Well, the mangaka just announced thru a recent chapter that the anime has been canceled.
I find the series interesting. It has come a long way (passing thru what I think are 3 different drawing styles) since 1989 and the arrange of the plot was very good, I think. You begin low (already a mess, after Griffith-god) then begin hiking slowly (crappy childhood until joining the Hawks) and keep slowly going up (back to messed-up Guts trying to redeem himself). Until now where they threw Griffith into full mode Japanese surrealism (yuck).
Posted by: Jaked at Friday, October 30 2009 08:04 AM (X1Mwy)
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Thursday, September 10
Send Out The Turtle Signal!
Turtle Village needs ninjas!
If you want to play a silly online ninja game, why not play it at Turtle, the most testudinous, if not outright chelonian, of all ninja villages?
I'm a vice-leader of the village now, so if you want to play, let me know your character's name and I'll let you straight in to the village.
Also, if you click on my banner below (and end up playing the game) I get free shinies.
Contents: Ninjas 45%, shinigami 15%, post-apocalyptic scavenger hunts 12%, fast food franchises 8%, catgirls 6%, giant monsters 5%, giant robots 5%, zombies 4%. May contain traces of pirate.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
02:41 PM
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Post contains 111 words, total size 1 kb.
How does one embed the BvS banner/link? The Live Journal HTML they provide does not work at Me&U.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sunday, September 13 2009 10:26 AM (V5zw/)
I just paste the link to the image in the image link window, then highlight it and use the link tool to turn it into a link.
Also, you forgot the cardboard robot fighting tournaments. And the .hack reality-shifting! ;p
(Also, it looks like Wonderduck just got hit with a comment spam attack.)
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Sunday, September 13 2009 10:49 AM (pWQz4)
Thanks Avatar!
Off Topic @ Pixy: Was there any progress on that matter we discussed?
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sunday, September 13 2009 11:04 AM (V5zw/)
Pixy, how's your S2 checklist coming? I'm seriously considering blowing through it and starting Mono in S3...
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Sunday, September 13 2009 11:26 AM (pWQz4)
Also, you forgot the cardboard robot fighting tournaments.
giant robots 5%
And the .hack reality-shifting!
Yeah, I didn't have a pithy description for that one (and I haven't done it yet).
Pixy, how's your S2 checklist coming?
Wasteland is done except for the final quest. Just starting Monochrome, and need to finish The Trade.
Not sure how hard Mono will be; we'll see.
Was there any progress on that matter we discussed?
Sorry, still working on it; hope to track it down today.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, September 13 2009 01:34 PM (PiXy!)
Mono's not -super- hard. It's plenty hard, though, and for three reasons:
-High range requirements married with high numbers of required successes. 20d20s checks are not uncommon. Strawberry levels on a 25d25s Tai mission. On the good side, unlike Wasteland, all your +strength stuff works here. On the downside, only your Reaper allies will work here, and the ones you start with aren't that good. (And only Reaper-ally techniques will work...)
On top of that, you need to find more or less everybody (a lot of the quests require so-and-so, if not in your party, at least available to you.) A number of them only appear on rare missions. On top of that, their appearance rates -suck-. Monochrome soaks up lots of smoke bombs (not least of which because the countermeasure to the low ally drop rate, Monochrome Pheromone, is good for one mission only; use one, attempt missions, smoke bomb until the one you want turns up, and hope like heck you pass it!)
On top of that, Mono has an added stamina drain - 10 extra for each mission normally, and 5 after you get Awesome Pants. It's not a fun place to farm.
Finally, near the end, there's an item check. Getting a hollow leg is relatively easy; getting Doughman isn't hard either (or rather, by this point you better be able to get 10 arena wins in a day), but you also have to have a kaiju drop item. Not only that, you have to have -gotten it from the kaiju-. Doesn't count if you buy it or get it given to you; you have to win it straight from the monster. If your village doesn't summon monsters, you're SOL. If your village DOES, but there's 20 high-level players in it, you're probably SOL too...
Even without a kaiju drop, there's reason to go into Mono (Awesome Pants, and a lot of the niftier one-use items in the game come from ingredients that drop here). But it's tougher than the Wasteland, not just because it plays by different rules, but because it's -just freakin' tough-.
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Sunday, September 13 2009 01:54 PM (vGfoR)
Ah, forgot about the kaiju drop. I do have one, but I was awarded it (for most attacks) rather than winning it directly.
I'm planning on farming some ally drops before I loop, but I might give Mono a miss for now.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, September 13 2009 06:04 PM (PiXy!)
Created an alt. I'll park him in Turtle and he can help out. ^^
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Wednesday, September 16 2009 11:41 AM (pWQz4)
So I patrolled, donated various things to the storehouse, collected herbs, took D level missions and fought zombies,
Why am I still a lazy ninja?
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Thursday, September 17 2009 11:33 PM (AXiRx)
Did you actually patrol (as in, the patrol option in the village)? That should take you off the lazy list. If you have the "You are helping a village out today" message showing in the village, you're good.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Friday, September 18 2009 01:31 AM (PiXy!)
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Tuesday, September 08
Shiny New Toys
Just bought myself copies of
VMWare Workstation (40% off) and
Vue 7 Pro Studio (50% off).
Both had sales earlier this year that I missed, and kicked myself for missing, and then this morning I got emails about the new sales, and
pounced. Like a pouncy thing.
Now I just need to find some cheap 4GB unbuffered DDR2 DIMMs.
Update: Or a good Socket 1156 workstation motherboard and some cheap 4GB registered DDR3 DIMMs.
Update: Or a dual Xeon 5500 motherboard and a whole lot of money.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
03:33 PM
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Post contains 90 words, total size 1 kb.
Wednesday, September 02
Not Exactly Hot-Swap
Popped the pooped drive out of Pepper and swapped it for a new one.
Logged in to the web interface and the only option it gave me was to format the drive. Whether that means "format the new drive so I can rebuild the array" or "format everything so I can restore 2.4TB of files" I don't know yet. But only the light for the new drive is blinking right now, and from the progress meter I should know in about 15 minutes.
Update: I am happy and sad.
Happy because it is doing an automatic rebuild. So I didn't need to spend 3 days backing everything up. It only took 5 minutes to swap the drive (power off, pop the cover open, remove the backplane, swap the drive rails, replace the backplane and cover, and power on). And the main light glows red when there's a hardware error, so you can't miss it. Pretty solid value for $300.
Sad because now that I know it's real, proper RAID, I'd buy another one if I could, but you can't get them anymore. There are similar small storage appliances around like
this or
this or
this, but they all cost rather more than $300.
The one problem with the Acer EasyStore (which is what Pepper and Salt are) is that a 500MHz Arm CPU can't handle RAID-5 and file serving at anything like the speed of the disks or the network. I'll forgive that in a cheap, convenient, reliable little box. But those three similar boxes also appear to have similar hardware and similar performance, but at a not-at-all similar price.
I might end up buying one of them anyway, but not for another couple of paychecks.
Update: Now
this is an interesting device.
The Thecus N0503 ComboNASIt has an Atom processor instead of an Arm, and even the slowest Atom chip is at least twice as fast as the Arm in the EasyStore. It has 1GB of memory (standard SO-DIMM) compared to 128MB. Dual gigabit network ports (but no WiFi). Supports HTTP, NFS and iSCSI as well as CIFS and FTP. And BitTorrent too. And a choice of ext3, XFS, and ZFS. And it's an iTunes server (as is the EasyStore) and a USB print server (which the EasyStore is not).
And it has a switchable drive cage that can support three 3.5" drives mounted horizontally or five 2.5" drives mounted vertically. That's really kind of neat.
Bit of a shame that it can only hold three 3.5" drives, but the EasyStore, being an older design, only supports drives up to 1TB, so three 1.5TB drives in the Thecus will give me the same available capacity (RAID-5) for about 10% more cost on the drives. Or about 20%
less than what the drives in Pepper cost when I bought them.
The unit itself costs about twice as much as the EasyStore's clearance price, but it has a huge advantage over the models from Western Digital and Buffalo and LaCie: Thecus don't force you to buy your drives with the unit at grossly inflated prices.
I think I've found Sugar.
Indeed, this might also be just the thing for those with an ageing Cobalt Qube handling web server duties. It doesn't have all the functions of the Qube (like email) but it does support dual networks and configurable security.
Since it's clearly based on Linux or BSD, it will be interesting to see what happens once the community get their hands on it. With a full gigabyte of memory and an Intel-compatible CPU, there's nothing to stop you running a full modern Linux or BSD installation, at least in theory.
Update: It supports RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, and 10, though for 6 and 10 you'd have to be using 2.5" drives. You can expand your array by replacing the drives one-by-one with larger ones and allowing it to rebuild in between. You can migrate between RAID levls. It supports ZFS snapshots.
It's stackable, so you can expand it by just plugging more units into the network and setting them as slaves. You can add USB or eSATA drives for backup or additional storage. And it can mount ISO images and export them as drives, but then so can Daemon Tools.
And it even has an expansion slot - apparently PCI - which will fix the lack of WiFi nicely.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
07:24 PM
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Post contains 733 words, total size 5 kb.
It must be a BSD variant. The GPL isn't compatible with ZFS's license.
Posted by: nf at Wednesday, September 02 2009 09:51 PM (SI39V)
Very interesting.
I'm looking at a cloud of something like Synocity 209j.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Friday, September 04 2009 03:46 PM (/ppBw)
The Synology 409slim is an interesting widget. Tiny (12 x 10 x 14cm), takes four 2.5" drives, supports not just file serving, but email, web, and PHP+MySQL.
Unfortunately, it only has 128MB of memory, which just isn't enough.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Saturday, September 05 2009 02:14 PM (PiXy!)
The rest area was unusually far off the main road...or they had taken a
wrong turn. They had traveled nearly a hundred winding yards and still
seen no tables, grills or even a pull off. The little road curved to
the left and as they turned the corner, Jack slammed on the brakes and
turned hard. It was very nearly too late. The Pacer lightly scraped the
overturned car blocking the road. The 3 occupants scampered out as fast
as they could.
The car before them was not just upside down,
it was thrashed. The left door was missing and parts of the car looked
as if a crowbar had been used to pry them open. The front of the car
was stove in but what it could have hit was a mystery. There was a
disturbingly large amount of drying blood on the light gray pavement.
pulled out his cellphone...and realized that there was no coverage in
this part of Florida. Everyone else had the same result. By this time
Jack and Lilly were looking for survivors, Jake had gotten the first
aid kit out of his trunk, as he did so he threw his keys to Allen. "Go
back to that gas station and call for help." Allen hopped into the car
and began to back up the narrow road. Jack had far more first aid
experience than anyone else, but it was soon apparent that there was no
actual body or injured person, just LOTS of blood and a part of a foot.
The two backed away from the car and contemplated the fact that the
gore had not yet developed much of a rotten stench in the south Florida
heat, only slightly mitigated by the cypress trees. After a moment
Lilly noticed bloody shoeprints on the pavement...very small
shoeprints...heading down the pavement.
As it turned out, the
overturned car was only a few yards from the actual rest area, there
were 3 picnic tables and grills ...all were overturned. Off to the left
was a public restroom. It was there that the shoeprints led. Lilly and
Jake sprinted there. The tracks faded before they got to the restroom.
The two teens zipped into there respective sides. "Over here Jack!"
Jack ran into the Womens restroom to find Lilly holding what appeared
to be a 5 or 6 year old boy. He had attached himself to her with a
vicelike grip and was shaking like a leaf. As they carried him out he
began to scream. The boy kicked screamed and bit at Lilly, successfully
prying himself loose and the ran back into the bathroom. The two
pursued him but were distracted by a crash. And the sound of breaking
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Saturday, September 05 2009 07:22 PM (2rIl8)
"WTF!?" yelled Jack. "Oh my God! Another car wreck!" "
ALLAN!!!...He was backing out he must have gotten hit by a truck or
something. Stay with the kid!" Jack ran off. Lilly ran in to calm the
little biting terror, when another crash caused her to stop...then
there was another followed by the shattering of glass...then what
sounded like something grinding. Realizing that there must be multiple
cars involved in the wreck she took off after Jack, reasoning that the
boy was unlikely to leave and she might be able to help wi..her train
of thought was interrupted by Jack, who was running towards her trying
to yell something and gesturing wildly. He jumped over the overturned
car quite acrobatically then slipped on the blood and oil quite
ignomiously rolling several feet before falling into a heap almost at
her feet.
Lilly reached down to help him up. Jack looked up at
her, his eyes filled with terror.."Run!!" was all he said. There was,
at that moment, an earth shattering kaboom. The overturned car slid off
the narrow path...pushed by a huge flailing and squealing brown mass.
Lilly helped Jack to his feet and stared at the monster before
her...the massive animal stood up...momentarily stunned...Lilly
realized it was a pig....a 14 foot long PIG! But it head was different,
longer with tusk that....her observation was cut short be Jack who
grabbed her arm and hobbled as fast as one can possibly hobble towards
the restroom.
Two more of the huge swine appeared, all three
milled about for one merciful moment before running in pursuit of the
two, allowing them just enough time to make the restroom.
door had no lock, but Lilly jammed the steel trashcan against the door.
Quite miraculously, it wedged itself at exactly the right angle to jam
the door for a moment. Jack tore off one of the stall doors and blocked
the restroom door with it..just as 4 thousand pounds of ham slammed
against the outer door.
Both realized that the door would be
open in seconds. Lilly grabbed the boy...who was by now nearly
catatonic with fear. Jack boosted her up to the window. Lilly reached
up and got one arm on the roof with assistance from Jack she got the
boy up high enough for him to scamper onto the roof, then she followed.
There was a crash of splintering wood and bending steel. Jack jumped
up to the window drug himself out, turned around and attempted to lift
himself onto the roof, at which point the massive boar slammed into the
wall beneath him. The window shook jack fell headfirst to the ground,
just at the other two boars rounded the side of the cinderblock
Unable to jump to the roof Jack scampered up a
nearby tree as fast as his bruised body could was very
nearly not fast enough, he lost his left shoe on one of the boars
tusks, but in a few moments had crawled out onto a branch over the
restroom building and dropped down to join Lilly and the boy.
After a moment of reflection, Lilly asked the obvious question...."What in the FUCK!...GIANT PIGS!???" How does this happen?"
answered Jack "If its not just a population of over-sized razorbacks,
I'd have to go with radiation....yeah...radiation...that must be it."
Lilly then slapped Jake. The two then proceeded to try to comfort the
boy and devise a way to get to civilization and warn people about the
threat from THE GIANT PIGS.
There Pixy...I did what you asked...will you please fix my blog now.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Saturday, September 05 2009 07:24 PM (2rIl8)
But you didn't make me a sandwich.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, September 06 2009 12:29 AM (PiXy!)
GODDAMN pixy! You need to put up a contact email SOMEWHERE! Please, send me an email at the mail account on this comment. I need to ask you something.
Former beta tester here. Thanks!
Posted by: Will at Sunday, September 06 2009 11:09 AM (YNCpD)
Just to clarify... ^that is not me.
Posted by: Will at Monday, September 07 2009 11:09 AM (9dEae)
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