Well that's good. Fantastic. That gives us 20 minutes to save the world and I've got a post office. And it's shut!
Tuesday, October 31
And there's new
Repairman Jack and
Lois McMaster Bujold goodies to be had!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
09:26 AM
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Oh boy, a new LMB novel! I haven't been reading much fiction in the last few years but I'll get this novel. Amazon also paired it up with a new Patricia Wrede novel, apparently a sequel to "Sorcery and Cecilia", also very tempting.
Posted by: Kayle at Tuesday, October 31 2006 11:35 AM (Qsm1J)
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Took Friday off sick.
Got a call on Saturday that one of the systems was down. Said I'd look at it on Monday.
Monday arrives, and I look at it. Seems that both sides of a mirror had spontaneously converted themselves to unrecognised volumes. The system had become somewhat disconcerted, and crashed.
Yes, I had a backup. A complete, up-to-date backup.
Because I'm paranoid.
Fortunately, very soon all of this will become Not My Problem.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
01:35 AM
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Post contains 77 words, total size 1 kb.
Usually in this kind of situation the tape has bad blocks.
Posted by: Pete Zaitcev at Tuesday, October 31 2006 02:29 AM (9imyF)
The system was playing up a bit last week, so I took the hint and made a second backup.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tuesday, October 31 2006 09:09 AM (sWLEp)
Actually ... in this kind of situation, usually the tape controller adapter has gone stupid.
Everything looks fine ... until you actually need to restore data ...
Posted by: Kristopher at Tuesday, October 31 2006 11:49 AM (O5Ju8)
Which is why I made the second backup to another server, using rsync.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tuesday, October 31 2006 11:35 PM (FRalS)
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Saturday, October 28
So I'm back from my holiday, which was fun, but I brought some uninvited guests with me.
The worst cold I've ever had.
For four days my throat felt like I'd been gargling RFNA. The only thing that made any difference was tea. A nice mug of English Breakfast with honey would make the pain go away for half an hour, and keep it bearable for an hour more. After that, it became so uncomfortable that I was unable to sleep.
So a full night's sleep required five or six large mugs of tea... which comes with its own problems. Needless to say, I have not been sleeping well. (This morning I got four hours uninterrupted - starting at 6AM. That's the best I've done in the past week.)
But at least in the agonizing pain stage I wasn't much trouble to others. After four days of that, I returned home from my trip, and by the next day the pain had largely faded.
But I wasn't better.
I had moved on to stage two, which combined heavy (and pretty yucky) congestion with an incessant cough. The part where I bark like a seal is particularly amusing. So I need to take a decongestant and a cough suppressant, and use the manual override when I really do need to cough.
And an antihistamine, because just because I'm in bed with a horrible cold doesn't mean I don't get hay fever as well.
As of this afternoon, the cough seems to be under control. Either the codeine worked or it's just run its course; the last bad session was at 4AM. Now I just have to see if that's it, or if there's a stage three, where I presumably implode or break out in hives or something.
I'm not complaining - okay, I am complaining - just letting you know that I am back but not exactly running at full efficiency just yet.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
02:53 AM
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Post contains 324 words, total size 2 kb.
Yep, thinking you can relax and have a holiday completely throws off your system, and it responds by turning on you. Every time.
Feel better soon!
Posted by: Ted at Saturday, October 28 2006 01:58 PM (blNMI)
We have colds like that here in our hemisphere, too. I just got over a bad one earlier this month, as a matter of fact. I've just gotten over stage three -- in which you cough up all sorts of nasty stuff at odd times, unexpectedly. It's much better than the first two stages, though!
Hope you get over all of this as soon as possible -- if not sooner!
I've found that straight scotch helps the sore throat when you are out of tea and honey . . . ;->
Posted by: Dave at Saturday, October 28 2006 02:55 PM (yLzIQ)
It's been said that of all the things that won't help a cold, Bourbon Whiskey is the best. But I doubt they sell much Bourbon in Strilia, and I doubt you like it. So perhaps some local equivalent will do in a pinch.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Sunday, October 29 2006 12:07 AM (+rSRq)
Pixy's alive.
I'll share a family seekrit with you for cold / sore throat relief. We'll mix
the tea and honey, which works pretty good as you know, but also add in a bit
lemon juice and a bit of bourbon (for it's medicinal purposes of course). I'm
not sure why the combination works so well, but for some reason it's better
than the off the shelf stuff.
Feel better soon.
Surely they sell Wild Turkey, Jim Beam or Jack Daniels
bourbon in Australia.
I mean life would cease to exist without Kentucky Bourbon Cake or Chocolate Bourbon
Cake. Really it would.
Posted by: phin at Sunday, October 29 2006 12:39 PM (C+FWT)
I can independently confirm through comprehensive surveys of bars and clubs in most of Australia that bourbon is available to us.
Scuse me while I go lie down.
Posted by: Andrew at Monday, October 30 2006 06:49 PM (t8tOu)
RFNA you say? That's terrible, but I feel as though I gulped down a spot of N2O4 with a N2H3CH3 chaser.
Get well soon!
Posted by: diondrum at Tuesday, October 31 2006 08:14 PM (ghZ6X)
OK this is probably too late to do any good, but a gram of Vitamin C every couple hours has been scientifically shown to reduce symptoms.
At least 29 controlled clinical trials (many double-blind and placebo-controlled) involving a total of over 11,000 participants have been conducted. These trials were reviewed in the 1990s[5][6] and again recently.[16] The trials show that vitamin C reduces the duration and severity of colds but not the frequency. The data indicate that there is a normal dose-response relationship. Vitamin C is more effective the higher the dose. The vast majority of the trials were limited to doses below 1 g/day. As doses rise, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep the trials double blind because of the obvious gastro-intestinal side effects. So, the most effective trials at doses between 2 and 10 g/day are met with skepticism. Reports from physicians have provided ample clinical confirmation.[17]
The controlled trials and clinical experience prove that vitamin C in doses ranging from 0.1 to 2.0 g/day have a relatively small effect. The duration of colds was reduced by 7% for adults and 15% for children. The studies provide ample justification for businesses to encourage their employees to take 1 to 2 g/day during the cold season to improve workplace productivity and reduce sick days. The clinical reports provide the strongest possible evidence that vitamin C at higher doses is significantly more effective. However, the effectiveness typically comes at the price of gastro-intestinal side effects. It is easy for physicians to minimize these side effects since they cause no lasting harm. Adult patients, however, have proven reluctant to subject themselves to gas and cramping to deliver an unknown benefit (the duration and severity of colds is highly variable so the patient never knows what he/she is warding off). It is well worth the effort of identifying the small subset of individuals who can benefit from high daily doses (>10 g/day) of vitamin C without side effects and training them to regularly take 5 g/day during cold season and to increase the dose at the onset of a cold.
The trials proved that vitamin C is more effective for children. Reports from the field confirm the observations in the trials and suggest that children are less prone to vitamin C side effects.[18] Colds and flu are a serious problem for children. Every time a cold infects a child, its growing mind and body must divert energy from its usual business of growth and development. If the cold is followed by an opportunistic infection, such as bronchitis or ear infection, more energy must be diverted. Colds are the number one trigger for asthma.[19] Pre-school children in daycare are nearly constantly fighting infections (5-10 per year).[20] Chronic disease in childhood is believed to sometimes have permanent developmental consequences which can contribute to decreased life expectancy.[21]
Also, the sicker you feel, the more C your body can probably utilize.
Posted by: TallDave at Wednesday, November 01 2006 10:28 PM (wBY8q)
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Friday, October 27
I Didn't Order That!
Currently receiving 2000+ trackback spams per minute.
Had to reconfigure Apache, which was choking under the load. Bloody Apache 1.3. Bloody CPanel. Grrr.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
10:16 AM
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Post contains 32 words, total size 1 kb.
Are all of these Italian spams coming from the same porn business?
Maybe you could do the Blue Frog thing and just auto-magically fill their sign up cgi with plausible looking garbage every time they spam you?
Posted by: Kristopher at Friday, October 27 2006 10:29 AM (O5Ju8)
.. hang in there, big guy..... remember, you are The Man....
Posted by: Eric at Friday, October 27 2006 04:29 PM (NlzwQ)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Friday, October 27 2006 09:39 PM (sWLEp)
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Wednesday, October 25
Downloading Message 9511 Of 10537
It's good to be home.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
01:08 AM
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There were comments here, but I zapped them.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Thursday, October 26 2006 10:26 PM (FRalS)
I've updated the spam filter now. Let's see how that works.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Friday, October 27 2006 09:19 AM (sWLEp)
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Friday, October 13
And Another Thing!
When I look at a Linux server, I don't want to see hundreds of megabytes of memory free. At least, not on a busy web/database server with several gigabytes of actively used files.
All that memory should either be used by programs or for caching files. If there's 500 megabytes free, that means that 500 megabyes of memory was being used by programs that have now exited. The only thing that should be using 500 megabytes of memory is the MySQL server, and that (for obvious reasons) should not exit.
One big culprit is Movable Type. On our database, the MT comment script can use 60MB of memory; the search script used 300MB until I replaced it. A spamming run can easily fire up ten comments simultaneously (since they are not only extraordinarily inefficient in terms of memory use, but also in terms of speed). Then Fluffy kills them, and I'm left with a 600MB hole unaccounted for.
Another one is the Analog web stats package. I've just disabled it system-wide because it was using 300MB of memory to produce the stats for a single web site. (I've forgotten which one, but not one of the big ones like Ace or the Jawas.)
And then there's Apache. Leave it alone on a server with PHP and CGI and all kinds of other crap running, and you'll soon find individual Apache worker processes using 40 to 60MB each. If you have a hundred of those, that's 4 to 6GB of memory gone, which is probably more than you actually have.
Of course, if you're not running CPanel, you're probably running something reasonable like Apache 2.2 or lighttpd or, well, anything other than Apache 1.3.
Anyway, something is flushing useful data out of memory, and something is slowing down my blog, and I think it's the same something.
So until morale improves I'll be lining the suspects up against the wall and shooting them one by one.
(Minx itself is an interesting case. It's using 152MB of virtual memory for 10 threads, but only 15MB of that is resident. Why it does this I don't know, but unless I enable Psyco, the resident size never increases.)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
01:12 AM
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Post contains 370 words, total size 2 kb.
Um... I hate to bug you, Pixy, but The Pond seems to have disappeared (it's been missing for at least four hours). I've tried to go to http://wonderduck.mu.nu and just get a blank window. I've checked it on three different computers, too, so it's not just Chiyo-chan.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Friday, October 13 2006 09:27 PM (6YRS5)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Friday, October 13 2006 10:06 PM (FRalS)
Posted by: Wonderduck at Saturday, October 14 2006 12:52 AM (CJ5+Y)
Pixy, I also hate to bug you, but I have the same problem as Wonderduck. Texasbestgrok's been whited out for more than 12 hours now. Help! (And Thanks!)
Posted by: JohnL at Saturday, October 14 2006 09:44 AM (YVul2)
Doh! Just saw your comment on munuviana.mu.nu; should have started there. I rebuilt my site and it reappeared. Thanks for everything you do for MuNu.
Posted by: JohnL at Saturday, October 14 2006 10:04 AM (YVul2)
Welcome back! A spammed MuNu is better than no MuNu at all.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Wednesday, October 18 2006 06:27 PM (+rSRq)
I'm on holidays at the moment, with intermittent internet access, and that only when I'm not being upchucked on by my infant nephew. (Darn it, I liked that shirt!)
I'm going to look for some Sugar and Galaxy Angel DVDs today. :)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Wednesday, October 18 2006 07:38 PM (f0Uie)
Do you think the spam-bots are looking for the words "hollidays" or "time off" in blogs?
A bunch of comment spam started slamming in the day Pixy announced a temp absence.
Posted by: Kristopher at Saturday, October 21 2006 10:37 AM (O5Ju8)
How do you say "spam" in Italian? (or "Bugger off, you spammy wankers"?)
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Sunday, October 22 2006 07:03 PM (+rSRq)
Free memory yawns
Pixy scolds naughty server
Spam uber alles.
Posted by: TallDave at Monday, October 23 2006 12:21 AM (wBY8q)
I'm back!
Now I just need to catch up on a week of lost sleep. [It took me three tries to type the word "sleep", just to give you an idea of my present level of function.]
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tuesday, October 24 2006 01:00 AM (sWLEp)
Pixy's home!!!
Vacation's over.
Welcome back to real world.
Live badger down shorts.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Tuesday, October 24 2006 01:36 AM (YWRlP)
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What is it with these guys?
They show up, download 5GB from a website that only has 300MB worth of files, and disappear.
Sure, I now have 4TB of bandwidth to play with, but that doesn't mean I'm happy for these idiots to just burn through it like that.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
12:29 AM
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Post contains 51 words, total size 1 kb.
Who was it? Sounds like the kind of thing that bad-mannered spiders do.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Friday, October 13 2006 12:36 AM (+rSRq)
No identification. One from a LayeredTech server, one from a ThePlanet server, one from the Netherlands. Not from any of the usual spiders.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Friday, October 13 2006 12:42 AM (FRalS)
Use robots.txt on a page to post it as off limits to robots. Hide links to it from mere users via javascript trickery.
Ban every IP that visits it.
Posted by: Kristopher at Saturday, October 14 2006 11:02 AM (O5Ju8)
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Wednesday, October 11
Punctuation Matters
One of the new shows for the Fall anime season is
Negima!? This is
not the same as
Negima!, which aired in 2005.
It's a remake.
Of a show that aired last year.
Anyway. We also have season two of Sasami Mahou Shoujo Club* which doesn't quite have Pixy Misa in it. The first season of that aired this year, just to confuse you further. However, the fansubs of the first season are only just appearing now, so season two might have to wait a little while.
And we have Galaxy Angel 2, not to be confused with Galaxy Angel Z, which was the second season of Galaxy Angel.
It appears to be an entirely new cast, which is a shame. No more Mint? I'll still give it a try. Apricot Sakuraba? Milfeulle's sister maybe? Hmm.
* What's up with the stupid page that says ENTER? That's so 1997.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
03:17 AM
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Post contains 153 words, total size 1 kb.
There's also a remake of Kanon.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Wednesday, October 11 2006 04:00 AM (+rSRq)
Which, at least through one episode, is quite impressive. Much, much detail... and a distinct feeling that the cast and crew really like the characters and story.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Wednesday, October 11 2006 02:15 PM (+rGmJ)
The Negi remake seems to have increased the diversity in character designs, at least. At first glance some of them are sufficiently different from the manga that I don't recognize them, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Posted by: J Greely at Wednesday, October 11 2006 05:24 PM (g6Cc7)
Sometimes there's a good reason for a remake. In the case of Kanon, the new version is going to be twice as long. I have read that the first version seems rushed, because there really wasn't enough time to tell the whole story from the manga, and to give each of the girls her due.
The currently-ongoing "Ah! My Goddess" remake is certainly justified. And my understanding was that the original version of "Hanaukyo Maid Team" was pretty crummy, but I liked the remake.
So this isn't exactly unprecedented. But it's a bit strange for it to happen so rapidly.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Wednesday, October 11 2006 07:23 PM (+rSRq)
The general consensus on the first Negima anime was that it mangled the original manga (of which I read six volumes before realizing that it wasn't my thing at all) in addition to having horrible animation for the first nine or so episodes. The latter was so bad that the creator made his disappointment publicly known, resulting in said episodes being
fixed for the DVD release (the second was actually reanimated in its entirety). SDB's
first impressions were spot-on in noting the paucity of fanservice in the TV series, especially compared to the manga. As probably the most-reviled big-name adaptation in the last two years, Negima! was due for a remake... though from what I hear the new series is even less faithful to the original work, using the original characters and setting to tell a new story.
Kanon is somewhat different... the 2002 version by Toei Animation, while by most accounts rushed and having mediocre character designs, isn't nearly as hated as the Negima! anime. In fact, it's got a pretty sizable fanbase despite its failure to live up to the original work, which is considered a classic of its medium (not a manga, but an adults-only visual novel game). I can say with certainty that there would be no Kanon remake today were it not for the 2005 TV anime adaptation of AIR, another visual novel from Key, the makers of Kanon. AIR TV was very well-received among fans of the game and
otaku in general, and some executive figured they'd go crazy for an adaptation of Kanon by the same studio that animated AIR (Kyoto Animation). So far, they have.
Kyoto Animation's stock is pretty high these days, what with them having done AIR, Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid, and that show you may have heard of with the girl who believes in aliens, time travelers, and espers, so a lot of fans (myself included) have high hopes for the remake. Judging from episode one, we won't be disappointed.
Posted by: Andrew F. at Wednesday, October 11 2006 11:09 PM (l7be+)
An error occurred: Fruitcake error: Can't create a new thread (errno 12); if you are not out of available memory, you can consult the manual for a possible OS-dependent bug
Posted by: Wonderduck at Thursday, October 12 2006 12:52 AM (CJ5+Y)
Yeah, I just saw that too. Not quite sure what was going on, but I've restarted MySQL and it's all happy now.
I think MySQL ran out of connections. Why that happened isn't clear.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Thursday, October 12 2006 01:02 AM (FRalS)
Posted by: Wonderduck at Thursday, October 12 2006 01:26 AM (CJ5+Y)
What in the great pits of hell is going on with the fansubbed .avi file for Sasami Club (I assume we're both talkiong about the file linked from Animesuki)? I haven't found a combination of player and codec yet that can get the video working.
Posted by: Will at Friday, October 13 2006 08:38 PM (olS40)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Friday, October 13 2006 10:05 PM (FRalS)
While I haven't d/l'd Sasami, I've had great luck with VLC Media Player. I haven't made the thing cough-and-die yet, no matter what format I've thrown at it, and it's a standalone player to boot (no codec packs!).
CCCP is supposed to be really good, if you can figure out how to install it (I've got the instructions... I think they're even in English, but I'm not positive).
Posted by: Wonderduck at Saturday, October 14 2006 12:59 AM (CJ5+Y)
I kind of like Core Media Player, but it does randomly drop dead on occasion. (Actually, it usually tells you it's dropped dead, but keeps right on playing. The controls even work. It's the most lifelike zombie I've ever seen.)
CCCP has the usual install wizard. Just double-click and follow the bouncing ball. But if VLC is working for you, I wouldn't bother.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Saturday, October 14 2006 01:56 AM (FRalS)
I'm somewhat familiar with VLC player. My dad upgraded his old Dell laptop from 98 to XP, and apparently the exact combination of that model, and that upgrade, causes Windows Media to drop dead when you try to watch a DVD movie (which was a large part of why he got the laptop in the first place). VLC player was the only thing rumored to fix the bug.
I've experimented with Zoom player as well, but even it's been choking on things lately.
It's rediculous having to chase run down codecs constantly because some schmuck decides to encode his video in a format that's 15 minutes old.
Posted by: Will at Saturday, October 14 2006 02:15 AM (olS40)
CCCP has the usual install wizard.
WHERE? The only thing I've seen is Insurgent and the CCCP codec pack! I'd love to have the .mkv/h264/whateveritscalledthisweek on my system... then I could have a halfway decent chance to burn these newer shows to DVD.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Saturday, October 14 2006 09:37 AM (YWRlP)
Well I used the Core/Commie combo and it seems to work now.
Duck, just go the Pixy's link and download the executable. I got a strange daisy chain error about inaccessible memory when it tried to run, but I just shut it off in the task manager and the procees went smoothly from there.
Posted by: Will at Saturday, October 14 2006 05:40 PM (SOx9v)
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