Sunday, September 16
(Bumped and updated because Internet Explorer is poopy.)
Stop it with the leek already Orihime!
Ejätsu tsabbari tikkari lallan tittari tillan titsdandulla
dibidabidallaa ruppatirupiran Kurikan kukka ja Kivikan kuu
är tsä tsää ja ribidabidillaa ba ridsan dillan dirlanduu
aba ribbaddaa da ribbaribaa ribiribirisden dirlanduu
For those who somehow (like me) avoided this menace when it hit the net last year... Here it is.
Click to see the evil.
Song is Ievan Polkka recorded by the Finnish group Loituma. The animation is known as Loituma Girl or, for obvious reasons, Leekspin. The girl pictured is Orihime Inoue from the anime series Bleach.
This little thingy sparked something of a comeback for Loituma. Here's a 1995 recording of Ievan Polkka:
And a 2007 appearance:
And an official music video:
There are innumerable variants of the original animation, but most of them aren't worth looking at. Particularly that hideous thing with the donkey...
When I first saw this clip I immediately realised that the lyrics were gibberish - scat, basically. So I was rather surprised on looking up the song to find that it was actually a dialect of Finnish known as Savo.
But my ear didn't fail me after all. Except for a few words - Kurikan kukka ja Kivikan kuu means Kurikka's (a town) flower and Kivikka's (a name) moon - the section of the song used in the animated clip is indeed gibberish. The rest of the song is in Savo; this part is made up by the singer and varies between performances. It is interesting that I could tell this without knowing a word of Finnish.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
10:51 PM
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Post contains 268 words, total size 2 kb.
I just tried to do a search here and got an error 500:
500 Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/cherrypy/", line 342, in respond
cherrypy.response.body = self.handler()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/cherrypy/", line 15, in __call__
return self.callable(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "", line 144, in index
return go(cherrypy)
File "", line 121, in go
File "", line 95, in go
return Page.go(cp)
File "/var/minx/live1.1/", line 395, in go
File "/var/minx/live1.1/", line 2779, in go
File "/var/minx/live1.1/", line 131, in form_search
File "/var/minx/live1.1/", line 2579, in go_index
File "/var/minx/live1.1/", line 180, in do_template
return do_template_text(page,t)
File "/var/minx/live1.1/", line 373, in do_template_text
if not v1: text+=do_template_text(page,tsub); lastz=True
File "/var/minx/live1.1/", line 267, in do_template_text
File "/var/minx/live1.1/", line 180, in do_template
return do_template_text(page,t)
File "/var/minx/live1.1/", line 271, in do_template_text
File "/var/minx/live1.1/", line 192, in do_applet
return do_template_text(page,t)
File "/var/minx/live1.1/", line 254, in do_template_text
if ttype=='block': (s,i2)=show_block(page,t,i,opt,handler)
File "/var/minx/live1.1/", line 48, in show_block
if ok: text=do_block(page,tsub,opt,handler)
File "/var/minx/live1.1/", line 58, in do_block
return handler(page,opt,template=k0+'.template')
File "/var/minx/live1.1/", line 1302, in show_topics
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'offset' referenced before assignment
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Sunday, September 16 2007 08:49 AM (+rSRq)

"Some folks call them green onions....but they're really scallions".
Posted by: Ken Talton at Sunday, September 16 2007 09:45 AM (V5zw/)
I'm on a PC using Firefox as a browser.
Note that I get no error and a successful search on my blog. Likewise, I get results on Chizumatic as well, though I suspect that the word "fan service" has been used more than 4 times on that blog.
Posted by: Ken Talton at Sunday, September 16 2007 09:59 AM (V5zw/)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, September 16 2007 01:50 PM (PiXy!)
Posted by: Ken Talton at Sunday, September 16 2007 03:14 PM (kCyDY)
Get a real browser.

Seriously, I'll test this in other browsers. I checked in Firefox that it worked to silence the yaa tsi tsup, but didn't think to try IE or anything else.
Meanwhile, the search bug is fixed. Search worked if you used the [posts] tag, but if you used the [topics] tag, it wasn't setting the offset value (which should be zero anyway).
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, September 16 2007 10:42 PM (PiXy!)
Wrapping a Flash animation in a [hide] tag works perfectly in Mozilla and Opera, but it breaks horribly in Internet Explorer and Safari. In Safari it still works to silence the Flash but destroys the page layout; in IE it doesn't work at all - but still destroys the page layout.
So anyone who views the page in IE didn't see anything beyond the original animation, if that. Now fixed.
The solution is simple: Use Firefox!!!!!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, September 16 2007 10:57 PM (PiXy!)
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Monday, September 17 2007 02:30 AM (+rSRq)
The reason I'm doing it this way is that it's faster than using MySQL's full-text index. If you use a full-text index in a MySQL query, that's the only index used, so it searches the entire database first, and then checks the results to see if they come from the right blog. The performance is fine... Until the database grows larger than main memory. Then it sucks.
Longer-term I'm probably going to set up a separate search database, but for now, that's what we've got.
(I'm also going to enable tags very soon, which might help.)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, September 17 2007 12:26 PM (PiXy!)
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Monday, September 17 2007 02:27 PM (+rSRq)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, September 17 2007 02:47 PM (PiXy!)
56 queries taking 0.2057 seconds, 359 records returned.
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