Saturday, November 06


And Now For Something Completely Different, With Bunnies

I've been getting this sudden rush of Google hits, and I just realised why. Here you go, boys and girls, the complete lyrics for TISM's Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me, translated from Pub Strine into fairly standard English for your convenience:

Everyone else has had more sex than me.
Everyone else has had more sex than me.

Everyone else has had more sex than me.
Does anyone else get that feeling?
Teenagers, naked, couple in threes
Grandparents swing from the ceiling.

Everyone else has had more sex than me.
Everyone else has had more sex than me.

Corporate capers and office amore.
Shenanigans outdoor and in.
Resist and then later your find out there's more
Regret in not doing the sin.

Our lives have to die
Of that there's no help
My favourite way to end them
Is the orb-weaver spider's whose pedipalp
Enters the female pudendum.

Then dies on the spot
His corpse there still stuck,
Left for his rivals to curse at.

He would rather die than not get to fuck
Personally I reckon it's worth it.

Everyone else has had more sex than me.
Does anyone else get that feeling?

Everyone else has had more sex than me.
Does everybody else get that feeling?


Does everyone think...

Videos here (pure brilliance), website here. Grab yourself a copy of the White Albun today!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 09:44 AM | Comments (36) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
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1 Bunny Brilliant! cheerz

Posted by: pussycat at Sunday, November 14 2004 06:49 AM (k5sJL)

2 Yay, I finally have the lyrics to this song. "Our lives must die. Of this there's no help." That's awesome. Thanks muchly.

Posted by: Eihwaz at Sunday, November 14 2004 08:29 PM (5xCNa)

3 Brilliant. 'tis funny and sad at the same time. I felt really sorry for the little bunny.

Posted by: DaringSpirit at Tuesday, November 16 2004 09:45 AM (75ztQ)

4 best.... song.... EVER

Posted by: Quazie at Tuesday, November 16 2004 08:54 PM (Plwqp)

5 The poor cute bunnie, you can't help feeling sad for him. Did anyone notice one of the choir bunnies had 3.5 written on him? Hehe

Posted by: Candie at Friday, November 19 2004 05:11 PM (Pvzo/)

6 And who said the passion in rock was dead? I mean, maybe it's not as cheesey as some of the old school songs...but the passion man, the passion! And anything with arachnid sex organ references gets 5 stars in my book.

Posted by: Sam at Saturday, November 20 2004 01:15 PM (CTJ8B)

7 OMG!!! I felt SO sad for the little bunny... i'd let him fuck ME!!!! (and i'm male!) Aww... really cool... luvvin it!

Posted by: Ty at Saturday, November 20 2004 06:13 PM (rByZX)

8 whoever made this should direct music videos!

Posted by: rob at Saturday, November 20 2004 09:11 PM (6krEN)

9 best song i've ever heard, but whats with the part where he bends over an spreads his ass open?

Posted by: foamy at Sunday, November 21 2004 12:54 PM (4Qc8B)

10 I am that 3.5 bunny - and yes, I'd hate to say, it's due to an abnormality.

Posted by: reginald at Monday, November 22 2004 01:57 AM (d/NtY)

11 The Fucking Bunnie Is The Coolist Thing I Have Ever Seen.. I FELT SO SAD FOR THE POOL LITTLE BUNNY :-( :-( I Think He Is Sooooo Hot! O...and by the way i am the bunny that has 912 written on him

Posted by: Quacker at Monday, November 22 2004 08:03 PM (GHLHY)

12 "All loves have to die,..."

Posted by: Kevin at Tuesday, November 23 2004 09:35 PM (dGdcX)

13 I saw this video posted over at and I lost it when I saw the cutness of the bunny! It's so sad when he starts crying. I've had the vid on repeat for a long time now... He's now my avatar on my message board I post at. Bunnies need lovin too! So someone please FUG THIS BUNNY!!

Posted by: Eric at Tuesday, November 23 2004 11:50 PM (Mz2SV)

14 Kevin, I thought it was "loves" at first too, but now I'm pretty sure it's "lives". Hmm.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at Wednesday, November 24 2004 02:38 AM (+S1Ft)

15 Another line Corporate chambers Sounds more like Corporate capers to me.

Posted by: Steve at Wednesday, November 24 2004 02:53 AM (QO31P)

16 Sadly, I'm the 0 bunny that plays the keyboard...

Posted by: Harry at Wednesday, November 24 2004 09:34 AM (JkTj9)

17 Damn!! - This song rulez!! And the bunny from the clip is just hilarious!! :D

Posted by: Seth at Wednesday, November 24 2004 01:22 PM (B8t4l)

18 can anyone tab this song?

Posted by: any nohmus at Thursday, November 25 2004 12:43 AM (A/jlj)

19 haha..!!! i cant stop laughing at this!! i CANT.. ive been playing it strait for .. lets se.. 5.. maybe 6 DAYS.. :D and.. that one slutty bunny.. the 1718 bunny ;) id fuck him!! lol

Posted by: Tiffany at Thursday, November 25 2004 04:53 PM (V1RjJ)

20 OMG I am so obessed with this song I have had it reeating on and on and on. i want this song so bad all my friends i sent it to said they couldnt stop watching it its gonna be a BUNNIE EPIDEMIC! Thankies for the lyrics i love this song so damn much Aubrey

Posted by: Aubrey at Friday, November 26 2004 01:01 AM (33Ynz)

21 Dang this song really hit home for me... Its so deep. Awesome!

Posted by: duce at Friday, November 26 2004 01:56 AM (TWT9K)

22 the first thing that ran though my mind when i first say this was wow. they should make a cartoon with him in it. they could put it on adult swim or somthin like that and have the song as the them to the show i would watch it every night.

Posted by: antihero2211 at Friday, November 26 2004 06:41 AM (FLPp0)

23 id like to thank TISM (this is serious mum) the band who wrote the song and to the awesome person who did this vid for it, it has been the talking point of everyone at work! Lets face it, we've all been that bunny at some point. GOD!!!!!! you gotta love that bunny!

Posted by: exit at Saturday, November 27 2004 02:48 PM (kJpdI)

24 THIS SONG KICKS ASS, THEY SHOULD REALLY THINK ABOUT SHOWING THIS ON MUCH MUSIC OR SOMTIN!!! I first heard this on ebaumsworld, and i cant get enough of it!! all my friends love it too, TISM should really think of going big with this hit. ITS HIT SOOO FAST ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA, PLUS, ITS ONLY ON THE INTERNET, id say it takes talent to spred a music vid over the internet!!

Posted by: Mike at Tuesday, November 30 2004 03:58 PM (l+tKu)

25 ha ha. thanx 4 the lyrics. the bunny is so cool. he stands up for the guys who dont get any. go little bunny dude!!! get some!!!

Posted by: chris at Tuesday, November 30 2004 08:39 PM (ywZa8)

26 also, god bless ebaums world. it is like the holy book of internet-ology, a soon-to-be religion at the rate computers are made.

Posted by: chris at Tuesday, November 30 2004 08:41 PM (ywZa8)

27 This Video is great and when you know the lyrics it makes this song so much more meaningful. I want to walk down the aisle on my wedding day to this song. Thank you to the person who made this vid and to TISM.

Posted by: Xena at Wednesday, December 01 2004 10:20 PM (QW5VN)

28 i am the 1 bunny every one else has had more sex then me :( can someone plz fuck me plz lets have comp sex plz!!!!!! i want some :) and thanks for the lyrics

Posted by: cooldood at Saturday, December 04 2004 02:51 AM (fxfxF)

29 pretty good clip. saw it on albinoblacksheep. *grins* 67 was kinda cute too although i make no comments of having sex with them :P no #68 mwahaha

Posted by: inuyasha at Saturday, December 04 2004 10:36 PM (7vJCm)

30 yea me and by friend figured out that 3.5 bunny, he had sex 3 times then got some head so 3.5

Posted by: Koinoperatedboy at Sunday, December 05 2004 07:37 PM (zfB9h)

31 what a sad funny song. ive been listening 2 this for a week and its neva boring i send it 2 evry1 on ma e-mail account! all the replies about it is "its a good song and the little bunny is soo cute" thnx TISM for the brill song and thnx 2 the guys who created the vid! ps ive also truied 2 make ma own copies of lthe little bunny and bring it in2 skool! they all think hes so cute!

Posted by: jamma at Monday, December 06 2004 04:56 PM (TFI5r)

32 Steve, you're right. "Corporate capers" it is.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tuesday, December 07 2004 05:23 AM (+S1Ft)

33 Awesome song! However, I keep hearing "'cause parents" rather than "grandparents" The bunny does put on quite the performance!

Posted by: fhqwhgads at Wednesday, December 08 2004 01:23 AM (qEqjx)

34 I keep hearing "As parents" This thing is great... it's on repeat. Poor bunny... I know how he feels...

Posted by: sleepingintherain at Thursday, December 09 2004 11:41 PM (4YAl9)

35 Killer, killer song. Brilliant, brilliant video. Pretentious Indie people can lick the back of it....I guarantee there are hundreds of songs that will never come anywhere near their 'radar' because they're served exclusively on the Internet. Viva Geek culture...from the old-school installers for pirated software to silly Flash toons, it's an amazing and infinitely exciting phenomenon to watch unfold. Oh, and I'm the zero keyboard-playing bunny too...both by choice (no premaritals for me) and by defect (fatass with man-tits; just discovered the gym - most fun ever). w00t!

Posted by: Scotty Tryhard of the Mounties at Thursday, December 16 2004 06:55 PM (DlLbC)

36 Wow, that was hilarious. I've seen that video now about as many times as the slutty bunny's had sex. :P It speaks to me. I feel like the redneck lookin' bunny, though. y'know, 912? hee hee... Anyway, the flash animation of this video is EXTREMLY smooth. I've tried to mimic his style and flair, but failed miserably... The concept, style, execution, and general story execution is brilliant. Much kudos to Mr. Derriman on his work.

Posted by: Mr. Jangles at Wednesday, April 20 2005 03:27 PM (kYsfN)

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