Wednesday, March 20


Daily News Stuff 20 March 2024

But Can It Run Minecraft Edition

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  • Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang says AI hallucination problems are solvable and AGI is five years away.  (Tech Crunch)

    To the first point: Current AI models - that is, LLMs - are specifically designed and trained to generate bullshit.  "Hallucinations" are simply the times when the bullshit is not even surface-level plausible.  You can't prevent this without discarding the entire model.

    LLMs work the way your brain does when you're not paying attention, like when someone wishes you a happy birthday and you respond "Thanks, you too." before your conscious mind catches up and you die a little inside.

    To the second point: AGI is artificial general intelligence, which is to say, human-level intelligence.  Current commercial research is not even on a path towards that, and what Huang is talking about is defining a set of tasks and then giving the AI an open-book exam.

    Which is not AGI in any meaningful sense, but might make AI useful, if you're using an open-source model that doesn't come pre-lobotomised by the left-wing parasites currently infesting Big Tech.

Tech News

  • At the other end of the scale, here's an 8080 emulator.  (Nanochess)

    #include <stdio.h>
               #define n(o,p,e)=y=(z=a(e)%16 p x%16 p o,a(e)p x p o),h(
                                    #define s 6[o]
                 #define p z=l[d(9)]|l[d(9)+1]<<8,1<(9[o]+=2)||++8[o]
                                    #define Q a(7)
               #define w 254>(9[o]-=2)||--8[o],l[d(9)]=z,l[1+d(9)]=z>>8
                                   #define O )):((
                      #define b (y&1?~s:s)>>"\6\0\2\7"[y/2]&1?0:(
                                   #define S )?(z-=
                        #define a(f)*((7&f)-6?&o[f&7]:&l[d(5)])
                                   #define C S 5 S 3
                           #define D(E)x/8!=16+E&198+E*8!=x?
                                 #define B(C)fclose((C))
                           #define q (c+=2,0[c-2]|1[c-2]<<8)
                              #define m x=64&x?*c++:a(x),
                             #define A(F)=fopen((F),"rb+")
                        unsigned char o[10],l[78114],*c=l,*k=l
                              #define d(e)o[e]+256*o[e-1]
    #define h(l)s=l>>8&1|128&y|!(y&255)*64|16&z|2,y^=y>>4,y^=y<<2,y^=~y>>1,s|=y&4
    +64506; FILE *u, *v, *e, *V; int x,y,z,Z; main(r,U)char**U;{
         { { { } } }       { { { } } }       { { { } } }       { { { } } }
        { { {   } } }     { { {   } } }     { { {   } } }     { { {   } } }
       { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }
       { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }
       { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }
        { { {   } } }    { { {     } } }    { { {   } } }    { { {     } } }
          { { ; } }      { { {     } } }      { { ; } }      { { {     } } }
        { { {   } } }    { { {     } } }    { { {   } } }    { { {     } } }
       { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }
       { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }
       { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }   { { {     } } }
        { { {   } } }     { { {   } } }     { { {   } } }     { { {   } } }
         { { { } } }       { { { } } }       { { { } } }       { { { } } }
                                       for(v A((u A((e A((r-2?0:(V A(1)),"C")
    ),system("stty raw -echo min 0"),fread(l,78114,1,e),B(e),"B")),"A")); 118-(x
    =*c++); (y=x/8%8,z=(x&199)-4 S 1 S 1 S 186 S 2 S 2 S 3 S 0,r=(y>5)*2+y,z=(x&
    207)-1 S 2 S 6 S 2 S 182 S 4)?D(0)D(1)D(2)D(3)D(4)D(5)D(6)D(7)(z=x-2 C C C C
    C C C C+129 S 6 S 4 S 6 S 8 S 8 S 6 S 2 S 2 S 12)?x/64-1?((0 O a(y)=a(x) O 9
    [o]=a(5),8[o]=a(4) O 237==*c++?((int (*)())(2-*c++?fwrite:fread))(l+*k+1[k]*
    256,128,1,(fseek(e=5[k]-1?u:v,((3[k]|4[k]<<8)<<7|2[k])<<7,Q=0),e)):0 O y=a(5
    ),z=a(4),a(5)=a(3),a(4)=a(2),a(3)=y,a(2)=z O c=l+d(5) O y=l[x=d(9)],z=l[++x]
    ,x[l]=a(4),l[--x]=a(5),a(5)=y,a(4)=z O 2-*c?Z||read(0,&Z,1),1&*c++?Q=Z,Z=0:(
    Q=!!Z):(c++,Q=r=V?fgetc(V):-1,s=s&~1|r<0) O++c,write(1,&7[o],1) O z=c+2-l,w,
    c=l+q O p,c=l+z O c=l+q O s^=1 O Q=q[l] O s|=1 O q[l]=Q O Q=~Q O a(5)=l[x=q]
    ,a(4)=l[++x] O s|=s&16|9<Q%16?Q+=6,16:0,z=s|=1&s|Q>159?Q+=96,1:0,y=Q,h(s<<8)
    O l[x=q]=a(5),l[++x]=a(4) O x=Q%2,Q=Q/2+s%2*128,s=s&~1|x O Q=l[d(3)]O x=Q  /
    128,Q=Q*2+s%2,s=s&~1|x O l[d(3)]=Q O s=s&~1|1&Q,Q=Q/2|Q<<7 O Q=l[d(1)]O s=~1
    &s|Q>>7,Q=Q*2|Q>>7 O l[d(1)]=Q O m y n(0,-,7)y) O m z=0,y=Q|=x,h(y) O m z=0,
    y=Q^=x,h(y) O m z=Q*2|2*x,y=Q&=x,h(y) O m Q n(s%2,-,7)y) O m Q n(0,-,7)y)  O
    m Q n(s%2,+,7)y) O m Q n(0,+,7)y) O z=r-8?d(r+1):s|Q<<8,w O p,r-8?o[r+1]=z,r
    [o]=z>>8:(s=~40&z|2,Q=z>>8) O r[o]--||--o[r-1]O a(5)=z=a(5)+r[o],a(4)=z=a(4)
    +o[r-1]+z/256,s=~1&s|z>>8 O ++o[r+1]||r[o]++O o[r+1]=*c++,r[o]=*c++O z=c-l,w
    ,c=y*8+l O x=q,b z=c-l,w,c=l+x) O x=q,b c=l+x) O b p,c=l+z) O a(y)=*c++O r=y
    ,x=0,a(r)n(1,-,y)s<<8) O r=y,x=0,a(r)n(1,+,y)s<<8))));
    system("stty cooked echo"); B((B((V?B(V):0,u)),v)); }

    How the heck does that work?

    I have no idea.  But it can run CP/M.

  • Misconfigured Firebases instances have been found leaking usernames and passwords to the internet.  (Bleeping Computer)

    And 98% of the 20 million passwords found so far were in plain text, which, uh, no.  Just no.

  • Microsoft Office 2024 is here, and you can buy it.  (The Register)

    As in, not a subscription.  Pay once and use it forever.

    Microsoft has also promised that this is not the last one-time purchase version of Office.

Disclaimer: To be or not to be, there is no try.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 05:44 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 869 words, total size 7 kb.

1 Nanochess:  ah, I haven't thought of the Obfuscated C contest in years.

Posted by: Rick C at Thursday, March 21 2024 01:20 AM (BMUHC)

2 To be fair, you could probably empulate a 8080 in excel at realtime speeds.

Posted by: normal at Thursday, March 21 2024 10:58 AM (bg2DR)

3 You can pay for Office once and use it forever, or until Windows 12 comes out and breaks it.

Posted by: Mauser at Thursday, March 21 2024 03:04 PM (nk1Z+)

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