You know when grown-ups tell you everything's going to be fine, and you think they're probably lying to make you feel better? Yes. Everything's going to be fine.
I guess this is sort of like the Azumanga Daioh OP, which has had several parodies with characters from other shows (or mangas).
If you wanted to add Mugi, who would you leave out? (And having chucked that grenade, I'm heading for a fox hole.)
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Monday, February 01 2016 05:57 AM (+rSRq)
I think the first one of these I saw was this one.
And of course you'd leave out Azusa, or relegate her to a background spot.
(Oops, should have made the foxhole first, and commented second. /dig /dig...)
Posted by: Mikeski at Monday, February 01 2016 11:00 AM (LIUK5)
Azusa isn't in the real credits until episode 8 or 9, so that would work. Interesting thing is that only after they put her in was it obvious that they'd left room to add her later.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, February 01 2016 11:45 AM (PiXy!)
I've seen the AD opening done with Yatsubato characters, and a different one with character from a manga called "Pretty Face" which was never made into an anime.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Monday, February 01 2016 02:48 PM (+rSRq)
"I know I had issues with being an only child, but really, Mother, nine siblings?"
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
11:47 PM
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Saturday, January 16
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Pre-Review
Good film. Beautiful. Loud.
Whether it's a great film depends on what comes after. Time will tell. For now, if you like Star Wars at all, this is worth seeing.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
06:55 PM
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Friday, January 15
Arrietty Pre-Review
Ah, that's more like it.
Perhaps not Ghibli's best film, but Ghibli's best films are transcendent, and this actually doesn't fall that far short.
So it's slow moving, and the only real tension is surface tension (which they got right!), but it is beautifully animated and lyrically directed and utterly charming.
My family watched that a couple of years ago and I thought it was great. My teenaged son, who normally isn't patient enough for anything but action flicks, even liked it.
Posted by: Rick C at Saturday, January 16 2016 11:53 AM (FvJAK)
More like Thermopylae as comic book, since it's a GN adaptation. But I'm amused by the way they dealt with the fact that ancient Greek warriors didn't wear pants.
Posted by: Jonathan Tappan at Saturday, January 16 2016 04:42 AM (Bkf8Y)
...except the trolls advice was completely *ignored* by her parents, and they did the exact opposite. Elsa's parents get the Idiot Ball for that one.
Posted by: cadrys at Thursday, January 14 2016 02:03 AM (iirnQ)
Agreed. It usually starts with Disneyfied princess(es) whose parents are dead or absent.
Posted by: Ken in NH at Thursday, January 14 2016 04:56 AM (MqjGP)
Troll dude, brain-wiping Anna: I recommend we remove all magic, even memories of magic, in order to be safe.
(To Elsa) Your power will only grow. There is beauty in it, but also great danger. You must learn to control it. Fear will be your enemy.
You can blame lazy writing, but as written, it's on the trolls.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Thursday, January 14 2016 09:12 AM (PiXy!)
I do blame lazy writing. Bad advice, dead parent syndrome, unearned villain. It's not a good movie.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Thursday, January 14 2016 09:23 AM (PiXy!)
How It Should Have Ended did a wonderful send-up of the troll advice scene.
Posted by: Mauser at Friday, January 15 2016 10:42 AM (5Ktpu)
That's pretty good. I also take comfort in the number of scathing reviews on IMDB.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Friday, January 15 2016 01:30 PM (PiXy!)
You don't need to watch the second series to understand the movie. I haven't watched it, and it's been since the original release that I watched the first series, but I had no trouble with the movie when it came out.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Saturday, January 09 2016 01:10 AM (+rSRq)
If you really remember the first season well you don't need to watch the second season to understand the movie. But the second season can still help.
The Tanabata episode (a.k.a. "The Only Good Episode") is really the key to the whole series. There are some references to it in the first season but it's helpful to watch the real thing.
If you can force yourself to sit through "Endless Eight" you will really be able to appreciate what motivates Yuki.
Posted by: Jonathan Tappan at Saturday, January 09 2016 08:01 AM (Bkf8Y)
I'm half-way through Endless Eight. I quite like it for what it is, but my God that must have been annoying to watch week-to-week. The way they reshuffled season one for broadcast was a stroke of genius, but this would have been a bit much even for me.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Saturday, January 09 2016 10:21 AM (PiXy!)
4I loved Endless 8 as it was airing, and I still like it now. I'm still annoyed at people who trash it without having actually WATCHED the episodes, but whatev'.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Saturday, January 09 2016 03:10 PM (zAcee)
Having seen it all now, I think the Endless Eight sequence was handled very well, but between that and the five-episode making-of sequence, it meant that there wasn't much story in season two.
If they'd compressed Endless Eight to four episodes (it can't really be done in less time than that) and making-of to three, plus the Tanabata episode, that would have left six episodes for the Disappearance arc. That would have been a really strong season two, with a nice mix of new story and back story. But of course then we wouldn't have gotten the movie that we did in our timeline.
And Jonathan, you're right, you really need to watch Endless Eight (I think all of season two) to get the full impact of the movie. Everyone else has had eight months of Haruhi;
Yuki has had
nearly 600 years.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, January 11 2016 10:45 AM (PiXy!)
Wonderduck, I agree with you about the way KyoAni handled the Endless Eight arc. Every chance they had to be lazy and re-use animation from the previous loop they avoided.
And I only noticed now that one of your commenters signed his message as John Smith.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, January 11 2016 09:57 PM (PiXy!)
I have a new server, Sakura, to handle backups for the mununiverse. It has 32TB of disk, arranged as two independent 8TB RAID-1 volumes. The previous backup server (also named Sakura) had 6TB RAID-5, so 16TB RAID-1 is quite an upgrade. And the new server is slightly cheaper.
Only downside is the new Sakura has shingles. That is, it uses shingled disk drives, where the tracks actually overlap. This works because drive read heads are smaller than write heads, and can accurately read the half-sized tracks. But it means that you can't overwrite a single sector; you have to read a whole group of tracks, change the bits you want, and write the whole lot back.
Sequential performance is just fine - 160MB/sec on both reads and writes. Random access is fine, even great, up to a point. The drives have a 20GB buffer area for random writes, which works extremely well - several times faster than a normal disk drive.
But I can't recommend doing an OS update while a RAID rebuild is running. That seems to be pushing things a bit too far.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
03:44 PM
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