This wouldn't have happened with Gainsborough or one of those proper painters.

Tuesday, May 07


Daily News Stuff 7 May 2024

Excluded Mondays Edition

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Tech News

Random Vtuber Music Video of the Day

Not Hololive today, but indie vtuber Midas, with Touch Tone Telephone.

Disclaimer: Cause I'm the right one, on my VOLTE telephone.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 06:21 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 380 words, total size 4 kb.

Monday, May 06


Daily News Stuff 6 May 2024

Bibbidy Bobbidy What Edition

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Tech News

Random Vtuber Music Video of the Day

Today it's Suisei of Hololive's Generation 0.

Disclaimer: Fleem.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 05:25 PM | No Comments | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 360 words, total size 4 kb.

Sunday, May 05


Daily News Stuff 5 May 2024

Break Brakes In Case Of Car Edition

Top Story

Tech News

  • Understanding Stein's paradox.  (Joe Antognini)

    Well, that didn't work.

  • Why RAG won't solve generative AI's hallucination problem.  (Tech Crunch)
    Because models have no real intelligence and are simply predicting words, images, speech, music and other data according to a private schema, they sometimes get it wrong. Very wrong.
    What RAG does is tell the AI to look the damn answer up instead of making it up.

    For which the AI is entirely unnecessary.

  • 4060 Ti or 7700 XT?  (Tom's Hardware)

    Following price cuts from both Nvidia and AMD, the judges award this round to the 7700 XT.  In fact, I've seen the 7700 XT (which has 12GB of RAM) selling for less than even the 8GB model of the 4060 Ti, making the choice easy.

  • Setting up computers all over the place, including a new Linux server at home running Ubuntu 24.04.

    Dug out the spare Dell laptop that had the spare 4TB SSD in it, and that has now been moved over to the new Asus laptop.  The Dell itself doesn't seem to have survived the move - or didn't survive sitting idle for two years.  Either way.

    That frees up 32GB of RAM and a 2TB SSD for a second Linux server.

    The Linux servers will be called Voms and Versen.  The Asus laptop is Maomao.

    I still need to come up with names for the two main Dell laptops.  They were originally going to be Sana and Pomu, but both of them have now granulated.

Disclaimer: The Team MP44 is awarded a rating of "sucks", after failing completely under both Windows and Linux.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 05:46 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 325 words, total size 3 kb.

Saturday, May 04


Daily News Stuff 4 May 2024

Flying East For The Spring Edition

Top Story

Tech News

  • Building a Threadripper workstation and need lots of fast memory but also want ECC?  V-Color has you covered.  (Serve the Home)

    192GB at DDR5-7200 speeds.

    Though you only get full speed if you have one DIMM per channel, so if you need more (and your motherboard has more than four slots) it will slow down.

  • If you need even faster memory - like HBM - you can place your orders now for delivery in 2026.  (AnandTech)

    Hynix's production is already sold out for 2024 and most of 2025.

  • Google's search results, already almost useless, are getting worse.  (The Register)
    "It has happened," wrote developer Arian van Putten in a social media post over the weekend. "The number one Google result was an official Pulumi documentation page that was clearly written by an LLM (it had a disclaimer that it was) and hallucinated an AWS feature that didn't exist. This is the beginning of the end."
    Pulumi, the company generating the AI results, has been very responsive to the problem, has taken down two thirds of the pages and is reviewing the remainder for incorrect answers.

    Google meanwhile offered the cannedest of canned replies."

    Bing, meanwhile...  Didn't have the same problem.  So score one for Microsoft.

  • Generating 1024 bit prime numbers the hard way.  (GlitchComet)

    The easy way is to just copy and paste.  Here you go:


  • If you play Helldivers 2 and live in Monaco or San Marino or Andorra or any of about seventy other countries, publisher Sony says fuck you.  (GamesRadar)

    You will now be required to sign up to the PlayStation Network to play the game on Windows.  The PlayStation Network is only available in about half the countries of the world.

Disclaimer: 945823840365261944385461779258678948848895733

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 05:49 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 406 words, total size 9 kb.

Friday, May 03


Daily News Stuff 3 May 2024

Water in the Fire Edition

Top Story

Tech News

  • Every map of China is wrong.  (Medium)

    If you overlay satellite data on maps of China, nothing seems to line up properly.

    This is because all recent map of China are wrong - deliberately so, with locations shifted by anything from 50 to 500 meters.

    And nobody in China is permitted to correct the errors.

  • There's another critical security vulnerability in GitLab.  (Ars Technica)

    GitLab is great.

    Under no circumstances should you run your own instance connected directly to the internet.

  • Nurses say hospital adoption of half-cooked AI is reckless.  (TechDirt)

    I'm sure they do, and I'm sure it is, but this article not only provides no evidence whatsoever for these claims, it doesn't even provide any coherent claims.

  • Kobo's 2024 e-reader models are user-repairable.  (Liliputing)

    In the sense that a moderately experienced user with a $20 screwdriver set can open them up and replace the screen, battery, and motherboard, and the front and back parts of the case if the damage is physical rather than electronic.

    Which is not everything, but is certainly something.

Disclaimer: Which is not nothing.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 06:19 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 244 words, total size 3 kb.

Thursday, May 02


Daily News Stuff 2 May 2024

Snake Edition

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Tech News

Disclaimer: <disclaimer.h>

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 05:27 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 313 words, total size 4 kb.

Wednesday, May 01


Daily News Stuff 1 May 2024

But The Truck Broke Down Edition

Top Story

  • After years of telling motherboard makers to set PL1 = PL2, Intel now says not to do that, and also that it never said to do that.  (AnandTech)

    On Intel CPUs, PL1 is the long-term power level; PL2 is the short burst power level.

    On a high-end chip rated at 125W, PL2 is something like 253W.  On the top of the line 14900KS, it is increased to 320W officially, and 400W or more unofficially.

    This produces great benchmark results but unfortunately fries the chips.

    Of course, if you throttle the chips back to the official official power limits, all the existing benchmark results become fairy tales.

    So if you're looking for a high-end CPU right now, go AMD.

    If you're looking at a mid-range CPU like Intel's i5-14500, none of this is likely to matter.  It's a good chip.

Tech News

Disclaimer: But the truck broke down
It couldn't climb the hill
So they gave me twenty bucks
Off my next grocery bill.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 05:38 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 361 words, total size 3 kb.

Tuesday, April 30


Daily News Stuff 30 April 2024

The Price Edition

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Tech News

Disclaimer: Behind you!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 06:35 PM | No Comments | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 436 words, total size 4 kb.

Monday, April 29


Daily News Stuff 29 April 2024

Nobody Asks Edition

Top Story

  • What happens to TikTok?  (The Verge)

    The author of this article is either delusional or drunk, but in any case, the answer is it dies and is forgotten within a week.

Tech News

  • MongoDB CEO Dev Ittycheria talks AI hype and database evolution.  (Tech Crunch)

    To clarify: He says that AI is mostly hype:
    "My life has not been transformed by AI,” he said. "Yes, maybe I can write an email better through all those assistants, but it’s not fundamentally transformed my life. Whereas the internet has completely transformed my life.”
    In fact, most of what he says here is refreshingly sensible:
    "There’s probably like 17 different types of databases, and probably about 300 vendors,” Ittycheria said. "There’s no customer on this planet that wants to have 17 different databases. The complexity that creates, and the cost of learning, supporting and managing those different technologies becomes overwhelming. It also inhibits innovation, because it creates this tax of complexity.”
    I'm still meh on MongoDB's license structure, but I recognise the necessity to prevent Amazon simply draining their blood and discarding the lifeless husk.

  • Huawei's Pura 70 contains SMIC 7nm technology, and also unicorn farts.  (The Register)

    SMIC doesn't have 7nm technology.  It has 14nm with multi-patterning.

  • The US is reviewing the risks of China gaining a lead in RISC-V technology.  (Reuters)

    I'm sure they are, but it's irrelevant.  RISC-V is an open standard; anyone can create their own implementations of it.

    If you don't like that, build something better yourself.

  • American Airlines still hasn't properly fixed its Y2K problems.  (BBC)

    A 101-year-old frequent flier keeps being assigned a baby seat.

Disclaimer: Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 04:29 PM | No Comments | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 284 words, total size 3 kb.

Sunday, April 28


Daily News Stuff 28 April 2024

The Changer Things Are Edition

Top Story

  • There's never been a better time to get into Fallout 76.  (Ars Technica)

    There's never been a worse time to get into Fallout 76 either.  There's never been a time to get into Fallout 76.
    Fallout 76 is good now.  Actually, it’s always been good.
    Oh, really?
    Two weeks in, Fallout 76 is a lonely, glitchy, flawed mess.  (Ars Technica)
    But baby that was years ago.  I've left it all behind.
    Redownloaded it - like an idiot I got it at launch - to see if it had aged well.

    Went though character creation, all good, then my character couldn’t move. At all.

    Looked it up online and the fix was — SIX YEARS after launch — to manually edit some config files.



    Still trash.
    As strong as the rest of your reporting, huh Ars Technica?

Tech News

  • Speaking of which, if you're bored you can watch the Ars commentariat tie itself into knots explaining why Germany's move from clean, safe, reliable nuclear power to the dirtiest of dirty coal - they burn lignite - is good for the environment.  (Ars Technica)

    Or not.  Actually, I'd recommend not.  Though some of the comments are good:
    Not sure what these numbers mean.  According to Wikipedia consumed energy in Germany was 76 percent fossil in 2023 (including a lot of lignite which is amongst the dirtiest coals).  Also to note, over the years Germany has imported more and more energy from France (biggest nuclear park) to compensate for the closure of their own nuclear plants so in a way they have just outsourced their nuclear.  And last, electricity prices in Germany are amongst the most expensive in Europe.  All this sounds a little less shiny than the article?
    They could try burning Ars readers but they're probably too wet.

  • The Eurocom 780W AC Power Adapter review.  (AnandTech)

    780W is unremarkable for a computer power supply these days, though this has some nice features like running on mains power anywhere from 90 to 264 volts, and being able to sustain a 25% overload - right on 1000W of power draw - almost indefinitely.

    That's 20 volts out at 50 amps.

    Because this is a laptop power supply.

  • Proxmox 8.2 is out.  (Serve the Home)

    Proxmox VE is a pretty neat server virtualisation and management system based on a customised Ubuntu kernel.  I've been meaning to set it up at home for a long time, but it's been a while since I had a standalone server that wasn't in use.

  • Speaking of which, I've spent the weekend engaging in necromancy.

    Apart from the new Asus laptop (the one that refused to talk to the nice 2TB Team MP44 I bought for it) and the three cheap Beelink mini-PCs I bought to build a Linux cluster, I also had four old laptops sitting around.

    So I got everything assembled in what is nominally the music room (and in fact does contain an Akai midi keyboard) and I'm working through a long list of hardware upgrades that I already have the parts for, and an even longer list of software upgrades.

    At the end of it I'll have eight - probably nine, actually - working computers instead of just the one.

    It's all fun and games as usual.  I couldn't remember the password on one of the laptops, so I stuck in the Windows 10 install drive and told it to reinstall.

    The Windows installer reported that it couldn't find the SSD.

    Fortunately I had another identical laptop that I could log in to, so I created a recovery drive from that, and with that I could reinstall Windows.

    Those two will soon have 64GB of RAM and 4TB of SSD each.  The laptops and their upgrades have been sitting around waiting for me to have time to attend to them since February.

    Of 2022.

  • The walls of Apple's garden are tumbling down.  (The Verge)

    You do know that you could just not buy iPhones, right?

  • Speaking of which, I also set up my Moto G14 today.

    Great screen.

    Works well.

    1080x2400 screen, 50 megapixel camera, two A75 plus six A55 cores, which is fine for me, though I'd avoid anything that was A55 only, and a headphone jack and microSD slot, which many phones at ten times the price don't have.

    Dirt cheap - I paid about $110 on sale for the 4GB / 128GB model.

    This is to replace the Oppo phone I've been using as my on-call pager because that one died of battery bloat.

    I'd recommend it but it's not available in the US.

    Also it talks when you boot it up, which I could do without.

  • Tech gadgets are adding AI whether you like it or not.  (Ars Technica)

    Actually, the case cited doesn't even involve adding AI.  It's a new Logitech mouse with a dedicated AI button...  Which pops up a menu on Windows.

    That's it.

  • Poisoned myself with tonight's dinner - beef with black bean sauce.  I checked the allergens list for the sauce on the supermarket website, but I didn't check the label itself, and it turned out to have gluten in it.

    Result: Very minor stomach grumbles.  Clearly not much gluten.  If I hadn't thought of it I'd have just assumed I ate too much.

    Good to know my sensitivity level though, since I strictly exclude gluten from my normal diet.

Disclaimer: That is, indeed, it.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 05:35 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 906 words, total size 7 kb.

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