You're Amelia!
You're late!
Amelia Pond! You're the little girl!
I'm Amelia, and you're late.

Wednesday, June 15


Adventures In Windows 10 Land

I upgraded Chika (my ultrabook) to Windows 10 yesterday.  Azusa, my full-size notebook, already got Windows 10, but I did that as a clean install.

It...  Works.  Even Start 8 works, and that's a specifically Windows 8 only application.

You do need to go through and turn off all the default-on spy options but one.  The one to leave on is checking web pages against malware lists, but that only matters if you use Internet Explorer or the new Edge browser.

Meanwhile, Microsoft announced two new Xboxen, a little one which is the current Xbox One shrunk down and ships in August, and a new model which is a half-generation upgrade with four to five times the graphics horsepower - up from about 1.3 teraflops to 6 teraflops, due next year.  The original Xbox One has problems running some games smoothly at 60 frames per second.  The 2017 model should have no such issues.

If you want the same thing right now, just upgrade to Windows 10 (free) and get an AMD RX 480 (coming at the end of this month for around $199).

That just leaves Kei, my main desktop, which I shall remedy... Now.

Well, not now now, it takes ages to download.  But it's on its way.   

On all three I've installed StarDock's Object Desktop, which turns Windows 8 or 10 into a nicer version of Windows 7.  Or if you're feeling perverse, of MacOS or even BeOS. 

Tip: Just buy Start 10, which is $5.  On checkout, you'll get an offer for a 60% discount for the complete Object Desktop suite, which takes it down to $20.

Update: Kei is tenified.  I have one cheap netbooky thing around somewhere running Windows 8, and one survivor from ~2008 running Vista, but everything else is now well and truly sorted out.

Update: Except that suddenly I can't commit to Git.  Which puts just a teensy cramp in my workflow, since that's where all my work is.  It seems that Windows 8 can run a 64-bit executable from a 32-bit one, but Windows 10 doesn't, so I needed to install a 32-bit copy of Git to match the 32-bit version of Java that JetBrains ship with PyCharm.

Which is easy enough, except that all you get when this happens is the error "Resource temporarily unavailable" and a stack trace.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 09:15 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 395 words, total size 3 kb.

Monday, June 13


Adventures In Ubuntuland

I changed some of the settings on my Ubuntu Venial Vermin VM, and broke it.  Rather than fiddle with it for an unknown amount of time, I zapped it and built a new one.

And found that Ubuntu desktop by default doesn't even install SSHD.

And once I got that working, and tweaked the settings on my terminal emulator (XShell) so it would work, realised that using the same OpenSSH-specific settings might allow me to SSH cleanly into Taiga, my iMac.

And they did.  Had that Mac for six months and only now am I able to log in remotely directly from Windows.  (Logging in from Linux always worked, because it was OpenSSH on both ends.)

Not much to show for a three-day weekend, though.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 05:13 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 128 words, total size 1 kb.

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