Friday, February 26

Now with added mouseoverness.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at
02:00 AM
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Thursday, February 25

The Grand Unified Minx Theory

The User Domains

The Minx Components
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
05:40 PM
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Wednesday, February 24

Naturally I had to try this...


Now, that's a deliberately constructed corner case, but there is a problem there.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
12:40 PM
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Post contains 24 words, total size 1 kb.
Monday, February 22

Posted by: Pixy Misa at
05:44 PM
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Sunday, February 21

I'm in here:

(Click for full screenshot. Thanks go to Steam and GOG's insane holiday sales.)
Actually, I'm not; I'm doing work for my day job, making some progress with Pita, reorganising Meta, and have finally come to a design decision on Miko (all parts of the Minx project for those who haven't been paying attention), redoing the documentation in Sphinx - which will itself be supported in an upcoming version of Meta - and planning for this year's server upgrade.* I did play a bit of Dragon Age over the holidays, but games are taking a back seat for a while.** Despite the fact that I have 224 of them currently installed.
* If things go right we'll be moving from a lowly 8-processor (16-thread) 2.26GHz server with 24GB of RAM to a spiffy new 12-processor (24-thread) 2.66GHz server with 48GB of RAM. That's at least partly to prepare for the move to Pita, which loves to store stuff in memory. Because I can just copy the OpenVZ virtual machines across, the move should be quick and painless.
** Apart from Billy vs. SNAKEMAN!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at
02:16 PM
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Post contains 188 words, total size 1 kb.
Saturday, February 20

In SQL* you say
select sum(sales) from accounts where state="NY"
. In Pita, the way to do this is:results = accounts.aggregate(state='NY')
which will calculate for you the count, length, sum, minimum and maximum, as appropriate, for all the fields in the table at once, so the value you need is results.sales.sum
. Since the table scan is typically slower than any calculations you're likely to be doing, this seems a reasonable approach.In addition, I've added a
results = accounts.stats()
which provides all those, plus mean,*** median, mode, standard deviation, and geometric and harmonic means. Aaaaand standard error, coefficient of variation, sample and population variance, skewness and kurtosis. I even sort of know what kurtosis is.I'm working on two more functions now,
and break
, though I may need to come up with another name for the latter because break is a Python keyword. This:for result in'state', country='US'): ...
would give you the aggregate sales figures for each state in the US, sensibly enough. And this:for result in accounts.break('state', country='US'):
would give you the individual sales figures, and then automatically provide totals after the last sales record for each state.As long as I don't come down with kurtosis...
Update: Kang and jag. Or rather, agg and tab. For aggregate and tabulate.
for line in accounts.aggregate('state', country='US'): ...
will give you one summary line for each state, where for line in accounts.tabulate('state', country='US'):
would give you both detail and summary lines. I need to put subtotal and total flags on the records for tabulate. Have to watch the keywords, there. And keep my closet doors closed.* Boo, hiss!
** Or indeed
results =
accounts(state='NY').aggregate()Either way should perform the same and produce the same results. I think...*** Which should come out the same as the average; just one I'm calculating myself and the other I'm pulling out of a stats module.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
03:14 AM
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Post contains 316 words, total size 3 kb.
Tuesday, February 16

Okay, yeah, they needed that sharpening filter. That's Minx's built-in upscaling. Quality is not so hot, as it turns out. I'll check on what filter it's using; normally it's only used for downscaling, which works great:

Posted by: Pixy Misa at
11:35 AM
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Sunday, February 14

I have a working base storage class for Pita. Unfortunately, most of my weekend was eaten up by my day job and other miscellanea, but it does work.
I'll post the full code later in the week once I have a derived class or two that does something more useful, in the meantime, here's the test code to give you an example of how it's used:
def oodle_test():
# Create a base view
pets = Oodle()
# Create some pets
log('Creating pets')
# Create a dog, and save it
pet =
pet.animal = 'dog'
pet.sound = 'woof'
log('Dog saved, %s pets' % pets.count(),1)
# Create a cat from a dict, and save it
pet ={'animal': 'cat', 'sound': 'meow'})
log('Cat saved, %s pets' % pets.count(),1)
# Append an aardvark
pet = pets.append({'animal': 'aardvark', 'sound': 'snorf'})
log('Aardvark appended, %s pets' % pets.count(),1)
# Append a hippopotamus too
pet = pets.append(animal = 'hippopotamus', sound = 'hrooonk')
log('Hippopotamus appended, %s pets' % pets.count(),1)
# What pets do I have?
log('Selecting all pets')
for pet in
log('My %s says %s' % (pet.animal, pet.sound),1)
# Select and find on fields
log('Selecting specific pets')
# What does my dog say?
for pet in = 'dog'):
log('Selected my %s; it says %s' % (pet.animal, pet.sound),1)
# Can I find my cat?
pet = pets.find(animal = 'cat')
log('Found my %s; it says %s' % (pet.animal, pet.sound),1)
return pets.count() == 4
The base view class, which has no indexes, no persistence, and no support for sorting, is called an Oodle.The results of the test?
Creating pets
Dog saved, 1 pets
Cat saved, 2 pets
Aardvark appended, 3 pets
Hippopotamus appended, 4 pets
Selecting all pets
My dog says woof
My cat says meow
My aardvark says snorf
My hippopotamus says hrooonk
Selecting specific pets
Selected my dog; it says woof
Found my cat; it says meow
Oodle OK
Update: We've hit version 0.02 wih a successful hash-table implementation. Next up is persistence... And deletes.Update: 0.03! I deleted my pet hippopotamus!
Update: 0.04! The idiom
for pet in pets
now works. You can't slice it or select within it yet.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
11:34 PM
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Well, sort of. Kind of sort of.*
Okay, quick, tell me what language this is (without Googling the source code):
print "Eratosthenes' Sieve, in some funny language"
function print_sieve (limit):
local sieve, j = { }, 2
while j<limit:
while sieve[j]:
for k = j*j, limit, j:
sieve[k] = true
Hint: That's not it. And I don't understand the first line of print_sieve at all. Oh, right. Logically, (sieve, j) = ({}, 2), so the local variables sieve and j are initialised as an empty dict and 2, respectively.Hint the second: It's the same language as this (believe it or not):
map = |f,x| x ? %{ hd=f(x.hd), tl=map(f, }
filter = |p,x| x ? p(x.hd) ? %{ hd=x.hd, tl=filter(p, }, filter(p,
take = |n,s| n<=0 ? { }, { s.hd, unpack(take(n-1, }
ints = %{ hd=1; tl=map (|x| x+1, ints) }
f = |seq| %{ hd=seq.hd; tl=f(filter (|x| x%seq.hd~=0, }
primes = f (
table.print(take (100, primes))
Which implements the exact same function.Hint the third: You'll be able to script your blog like this soon.
* Good language designers borrow. Great language designers swipe someone else's metaprogramming project.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
01:48 AM
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Post contains 199 words, total size 2 kb.
Saturday, February 13

I was looking at YAML as a serialisation option for Pita (it's already supported for exporting data in the development version of Minx).
So I ran some benchmarks.
It's sloooooooooooooooooooow.
Here we are, encoding and decoding a 2k record:
[andrew@eineus ~]$ python
10000 iterations on 1973 bytes
json: 10000 encodes+decodes in 4.9 seconds, 2055.8 per second
simplejson: 10000 encodes+decodes in 0.5 seconds, 20686.2 per second
pickle: 10000 encodes+decodes in 4.3 seconds, 2338.0 per second
cPickle: 10000 encodes+decodes in 0.6 seconds, 17297.6 per second
yaml: 10000 encodes+decodes in 213.4 seconds, 46.9 per second
json is Python's built-in JSON library, which is written in Python and thus somewhat sluggish. simplejson is the same JSON library with an optional C implementation. Essentially the same applies for pickle vs. cPickle.
yaml is PyYAML, which includes a C implemenation if you have LibYAML installed. Which I do, but I can't seem to get the C implemenation to run... Unless that's it, which would be pretty sad.
On the one hand, simplejson is the fastest of these options, which is good because it's also the most widely supported format and the easiest to parse.
One the other hand, 20,000 records per second is not all that much.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
04:37 PM
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