Why did you say six months?
He's coming.
This matters. This is important. Why did you say six months?
Why did you say five minutes?
Wednesday, May 31
Bulletin Bulletin Bulletin
Future files - and eventually, past files as well - will appear
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
08:26 AM
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Post contains 19 words, total size 1 kb.
Torrent tracker still hosed? The (one, lonely) episode at the download page has only a direct download link, no torrent download.
(I've had the three Dirty Pair episodes frozen at n% sharing for a couple of weeks now. I want to be a good citizen and keep them there until I've shared 110% or more, but would also like to free up the disk space.)
Posted by: SteveF at Wednesday, May 31 2006 08:30 PM (RiE2L)
The torrent tracker is working for existing torrents, but if I try to add anything new to it it loses all the old entries.
Not good.
You can probably let go of the DP eps you're seeding. The server is seeding them and so am I. Episode 4 should be up this weekend (finally!)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Wednesday, May 31 2006 11:41 PM (FRalS)
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Tuesday, May 30
Daily Dose
Up now in the
clips library: the opening and closing credits of
Tweeny Witches (DVD version; edited down slightly from the original versions I posted), and the opening credits for Cutey Honey, Cutey Honey Flash, the Cutey Honey live action movie, and Re:Cutie Honey (spelling variable; since the creators aren't consistent I don't see why I have to be).
I'd like to add the credits for New Cutey Honey, but I only have it on VHS. If anyone out there has it on DVD, particularly if it comes with a textless version of the credits, please leave a comment.
Update: FNORD!!
Broadcast Machine seemed to be a bit slow doing updates of late, and even when displaying the galleries. It's supports MySQL, but you can use it without - after all, a simple text file should be fine if you're only going to have a few dozen items, right?
Well, evidently not, because when I reconfigured it to use MySQL just now it suddenly got much, much faster. How anyone could screw up the performance on such a small dataset so badly is beyond me, but they did. Well, that would all be of little import; just tell everyone to use MySQL. Except that if you switch to MySQL at a later date it randomises the sequence of all your files.
Fnord. Fnordling fnordy fnordness.
Update: Tried hacking the code. The database code in Broadcast Machine is mind-boggling bad. As bad as Movable Type. Possibly worse.
This is a common feature of open-source web apps. The people who write these apps don't have a clue how to cleanly interface with a SQL database. Of course, they're programming in PHP or Perl, so it's something of a case of "you can't get there from here", but the ways they find to make a bad situation worse can be entertaining. If you don't have to fix it, that is. And I do.
So far I've managed to break the channel display; none of my other changes have made the slightest difference. Why? Who knows. There are two different interfaces to MySQL, both of which replace the standard flat file storage system, which is in turn utterly broken.
Update: You know what the really great thing about Broadcast Machine is? When you try to upgrade or reconfigure it, and it infallibly goes wacko , you can downgrade it by reversing whatever you did - and get it back in a working state.
Update: Ye gods and little fishes! It takes THIRTY SECONDS for Broadcast Machine to pull 47 entries from a text file, sort them, and display the page. I originally thought it was my browser waiting for images to download or something, but no, it's taking THIRTY SECONDS OF CPU TIME. On a 2.8GHz Pentium D. It shouldn't be taking so much as thirty milliseconds.
Update: Back to MySQL. Enjoy your high-speed randomness. I'm going to bed.
Update: Apart from the fact that it doesn't work, it has this cute little trick: Every time you look at a listing of any of the channels, it sucks the entire database into an array. Oy.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
07:57 AM
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Post contains 526 words, total size 3 kb.
There are no fnords in this comment. Or in this post. You didn't see them. Why would you even think they are there.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Tuesday, May 30 2006 10:46 AM (zBXYv)
Broadcast machine isn't slow, it's pining. For the fnords.
Posted by: Debbye at Tuesday, May 30 2006 12:05 PM (p9j1d)
Wait, you mean arrays weren't intended to hold entire databases?
Posted by: TallDave at Tuesday, June 06 2006 12:16 AM (H8Wgl)
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Monday, May 29
Hale is Charlie Brown.
Guu is Lucy.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
05:06 AM
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Post contains 9 words, total size 1 kb.
A Lucy that eats things (rocks, people, houses, etc) and can shoot frickin' laser beams out her mouth, but Lucy.
Actually, that gibes pretty well with what I've read of the show. Just makes me want to see it more.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Monday, May 29 2006 05:15 AM (zBXYv)
What I've seen of it is great.
Also, the transition from Guu as Hale sees her, to the cute Guu everyone else sees is chilling. And wonderful.
Posted by: HC at Monday, May 29 2006 07:21 PM (Bgud/)
What show are we talking about here, pray tell?
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Tuesday, May 30 2006 01:51 AM (+rSRq)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tuesday, May 30 2006 02:35 AM (FRalS)
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Sunday, May 28
The first dozen AMVs are
available now.
I've linked back to the creators' pages at animemusicvideos.org so that if you like a particular video you can find what other work they've done.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
08:54 PM
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Post contains 34 words, total size 1 kb.
Okay, dozen and one. :)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, May 28 2006 09:59 PM (Kd2WQ)
Angel Mambo is the only one of those I don't have on my harddrive.
In many ways,
Bebop 007 is the best AMV I've ever seen. None of it (or all of it; it IS based on the 007 films, after all) seems gratuitous, and there are some very nice visual tricks in it (count the flashies).
CHIHUAHUA! is certainly the best FIRST AMV ever, and I don't think I'm being hyperbolic with that statement.
According to the creator,
Elvis vs Anime was made almost entirely in Photoshop. I'm fairly certain I'd rather drop a live badger down the front of my shorts than try and do that.
Engel might be the masterpiece of Kevin Caldwell (who was the first 'legendary' AMV creator, by all reports). Pixy's right, the original video quality DOES bite the wax tadpole. However, some bright young lad sat down with the original and the DVD set of
Evangelion... and "remastered" it
here. It's not a 100% perfect remake, but it is probably a 99
100% perfect remake (I also posted a long 'critique' in his "Comments" section).
Lord Of The Yen had my anime-disliking,
LotR-loving stepfather rolling on the floor for all 9 minutes.
Hale's Mom is very funny... and will probably be funnier once I see the anime it's based on, which by all reports is complete chaos.
Greed vs Envy is a slideshow. A very cute, laugh-inducing, hand-drawn slideshow. For some reason, the first time I watched it a year or so ago, it ran upside-down and reversed (but the music played normally)... which made it a little hard to understand.
Nod Ya Head... Best. Trailer. Ever.
Good god, I've rambled.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Monday, May 29 2006 02:28 AM (+FLIL)
Thank you Scooter T. Wonderduck. :)
Lord of the Yen was also remastered by someone else. Elvis vs. Anime was done frame by frame, in photoshop... by a teenage girl.
Also, the opinion system at AMV.org
sucks. I can't edit an opinion I gave earlier because I haven't seen the video? Piiiiiiss off!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, May 29 2006 04:12 AM (wKzTj)
Jungle Guu is indeed chaos; so much so that I never thought it would get licensed. I have to go back and finish watching the second OVA and see if certain things
ever get explained.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, May 29 2006 04:26 AM (wKzTj)
I'm not disagreeing with you regarding the opinion system at AMV.org. They don't seem to take into account that someone just
might have d/l'd an AMV somewhere else. *shrug*
That being said, you've gotta love them for what they do. Unlimited downloading of free AMVs for anybody who registers with them? With only a small and unobnoxious begging page before your d/l begins? Far as I'm concerned, they could have their opinions be in Sanskrit, written by weevils, and I wouldn't care.
"T." stands for "The."
Posted by: Wonderduck at Monday, May 29 2006 05:12 AM (zBXYv)
Oh, they're doing a great service. But. Ah, well.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, May 29 2006 05:33 AM (wKzTj)
It turns out that I had
already finished watching the second Guu OVA series. So I'm not likely to get any more answers from there. But there were in fact answers, of a sort; not revelations but a little more detail to what was revealed in the original series.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, May 29 2006 08:41 AM (wKzTj)
I'd second the nominations of Right Now and Failed Experiments.
The LOTY is huge fun, but Osaka always is.
Pretty much anything Kevin Caldwell does is worth watching. You've got his Engel up; if you haven't seen them, his Caffeine Encomium or his BAV video, Believe, are
well worth a download.
On Your Mark is also worth one just to see what happens when someone pays Miyazaki to do an AMV.
Memories Dance, by Vlad Pohnert, is a nice homage to Miyazaki's oeuvre.
Other amvs, worth a look given an interest in their source material - to which they are, in some way or another, entertainingly faithful - include Desert Rose (Sailor Moon), Shellshock (Gundam 08th MS Team), Hale's Mom (Jungle wa itsumo hale nochi guu), All Star (Irresponsible Captain Tylor), Dark Legacy (Bastard!), Liberation of Memories Past (Utena), Euphoria* (RahXephon), Endure (Now & Then, Here & There), and E Nomine Vater Unser (Hellsing).
*What, Euphoria is your chosen example of how not to do an AMV? It's a choppy, chaotic, hallucinatory mess with more flash than substance?
So was RahXephon.
Posted by: HC at Monday, May 29 2006 11:10 PM (Bgud/)
Caffeine Encomium and Memories Dance are in the queue. Hale's Mom is up already. :)
What, Euphoria is your chosen example of how not to do an AMV? It's a
choppy, chaotic, hallucinatory mess with more flash than substance? So was RahXephon.
That's no excuse!!!!!
Technically it's not bad, but it's utterly pointless, and so manages to be both incredibly dull and extremely annoying. I wouldn't care, except that it's also one of the highest-rated AMVs at AMV.org.
I'll take a look at the other ones you mention.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, May 29 2006 11:51 PM (FRalS)
I'll look forward to a second opinion on whichever you get to. For my part, I'm certainly enjoying the chance to look at other's lists of things to see (Wonderduck, conveniently enough, has one up on amv.org), and between here and Don McClane's list have found several new to me, and to my liking. The Wizard of Osaka and Guts, Prince of Denmark, are worthy joke AMVs, and both Bebop 007 and Sex & Caramel are simply excellent. Another decent joke video is Lollipops, Sunshine, and rrrRRRrrr.
I see that I let the previous list pass without mentioning Storytelling, by Absolute Destiny, or Bouncing through the Years (Gainax). The latter is a decent tribute AMV, and the former is... quirky.
If I'd thought about it I would have added Phenomenon (Princess 9) and Hmm (Hand Maid May) to my list of AMVs worth watching given an interest in the source anime. I'd lay money that the former is closer to the sports story that SDB sought than what he got out of the series - but that's an anime on which our opinions differ, anyway.
Posted by: HC at Tuesday, May 30 2006 05:23 AM (Bgud/)
Oh yes, the Wizard of Osaka! I have that here somewhere, and it's definitely one to put on the list.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tuesday, May 30 2006 06:19 AM (8tgWJ)
Pay no attention to my list on AMV.org, it was made when I was young and stupid. Or something. I'll eventually get around to re-doing it, but watch for a real list over at
http://wonderduck.mu.nu, probably Tuesday.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Tuesday, May 30 2006 11:59 PM (zBXYv)
I just put up a quick list of what I consider seven essential AMVs over at
Bebop 007 is the only one that's up over here, though.
It's not exhaustive, and it's not my "favorite videos ever" list, but they'd all be on my top 20, probably.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Thursday, June 01 2006 02:55 AM (zBXYv)
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More Clips
Uploaded today: The high quality, un-subtitled (but not textless) versions of the Haruhi opening and closing, and all versions of the opening and closing credits for Galaxy Angel. (Some of these were available previously in the Clips and Clips2 collections.)
All available here.
I'm going to make all the clips available for individual http download, but that will take a little while, as there are now 155 of them. I also have about twenty AMVs to upload. None of them are my work; they're just ones I've particularly enjoyed.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
06:32 AM
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Post contains 93 words, total size 1 kb.
Hmmm... what AMVs will Pixy choose? Some guesses:
Football! by Suberunker?
Failed Experiments in Video Editing by Big Big Truck?
Pop Up Video (Excel Saga) by Delusional Productions?
Shameless Rock Video by Absolute Destiny?
Right Now by DokiDoki....
Posted by: Wonderduck at Sunday, May 28 2006 10:04 AM (+FLIL)
Excel Pop Up Video and
Right Now are in the queue. :)
I'm pretty sure I saw
Shameless Rock Video and didn't like it, but now I can't remember it.
I don't remember if I've seen
Failed Experiments, and I know I haven't seen
Suggestions are welcome, because a lot of the stuff on AMV.org - even the high-rating stuff - is boring crap. (I have
Euphoria in the queue as an example of how not to do it.)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, May 28 2006 10:20 AM (Kd2WQ)
I seem to remember finding a link here once to
Play Excel! Play! which I find highly amusing to this day. Every once in a while, you just need to see anime played over some hair-band.
I also found
The Bounty Hunters Who Don't Do Anything worth a chuckle or two.
Posted by: Will at Sunday, May 28 2006 12:02 PM (RLceB)
Oooooh, Strongbad via
Azumanga Daioh for
Football! Absolutely brilliant stuff. Actually, just about anything from Suberunker Studeosh (sic) is brilliant .
"Still Preoccupied with 1985" is well worth the time.
The best one I've seen recently is
Sex & Caramel by Kusoyaro... did a great job telling a story that doesn't exist in the anime
Posted by: Wonderduck at Sunday, May 28 2006 01:36 PM (7+BNY)
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Friday, May 26
Tin Toy
New goodies up in my
anime clips collection: Opening credits for
Sasami - Mahou Shoujo Club, opening and closing credits (and closing credits and closing credits) for
Renkin San-kyuu Magical? Pokaan, and opening and closing credits for
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Most of the closing credits for MagiPoka are Matroska files, .mkv, rather than the usual avis I provide. There is a reason for this, but you will need a Matroska aware player to discover what it is. You should be able to get Windows Media Player to do the job; my current preferred alternative (since BSPlayer went crapware) is The Core Media Player. It's not pretty, but it works well enough.
Oh yes: BitTorrent trackering is currently rather messed up, so they're enabled for direct download. Try not to devour all my bandwidth.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
08:24 AM
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Post contains 140 words, total size 1 kb.
Aaaaarh, bandwith ahoy! We'll fill the hold with bits! Throw the zeros overboard, we only want the ones!
Strangely, your older files on there still have working torrents. Is your tracker just unable to get new torrents working?
Posted by: Nathan at Friday, May 26 2006 01:06 PM (/N9MX)
I've been TRYING to find JUST the
Haruhi ED... Pixy's my hero!!!
Posted by: Wonderduck at Friday, May 26 2006 08:45 PM (7+BNY)
I've found that VLC player seems to do the trick. Well at least on Mac OS X it does. Mkv is supported out of the dmg.
I've installed the basic MKV pack for windows but sound doesn't seem to work. At least on WMP.
Posted by: Andrew at Friday, May 26 2006 10:05 PM (RWEVY)
Nathan - I think it's working again now, but the torrents are a pain to keep seeded. Unless downloads take off, I'll make individual clips downloadable over http and just keep the big collections and fansubs as torrents. (I upgraded the tracker yesterday and broke
Wonderduck - you're welcome. :) There's a version at Youtube, but the quality sucks. (As always with Youtube.) I have a high-quality un-subtitled version too, which I'll make available tonight.
Andrew - yep, VLC works with most files too.
I downloaded WMP 11 last night, so I'll have a play with that too.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Saturday, May 27 2006 12:15 AM (FRalS)
Er... Pixy's my even bigger hero?
Posted by: Wonderduck at Saturday, May 27 2006 01:08 AM (7+BNY)
Besides using a media player with a built-in Matroska reader, you can install a DirectShow Matroska splitter (in DirectShow terminology, a file reading filter is called a "splitter") and then play Matroska files with any DirectShow media player. There are two main Matroska splitters around, Haali's Media Splitter and Gabest's Matroska Splitter. Google can help you find either (I use Haali's).
Posted by: Kayle at Saturday, May 27 2006 02:38 AM (Qsm1J)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Saturday, May 27 2006 02:50 AM (FRalS)
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I wound Broadcast Machine back to version 20. I also whined pathetically over on their forums.
Anyway, I'll put some more goodies up tonight.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
02:14 AM
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Post contains 26 words, total size 1 kb.
I help run a community portal for my religious community and we have a pile of old videos lying around that we want to make mroe easily accessible. Could you talk a bit about your experiences with Broadcast Machine, the pros and cons, etc ? I have an account on Dreamhost so I can install it for testing but I wanted to get your evaluation first. We can take this offline, just drop me an email. Thanks!
Posted by: fledgling otaku at Friday, May 26 2006 08:52 AM (BLxXg)
Well, let's see.
It's easy to set up.
It looks good (enough), and it works well. Until version 22, which is a bit of a cow, but which is being fixed.
The support is great. I listed my points of concern on their forum and they are looking into them. (They agreed that the playing videos in the web page thing needed more thought, and they'll make it an option.)
For distributing videos on a limited budget, BitTorrent is the way to go. And if you don't want a complicated install, Broadcast Machine is the way to go.
Recommended, and if they can fix the issues with version 22, highly recommended.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Friday, May 26 2006 11:44 PM (FRalS)
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Monday, May 22
Not Enough Words
Steven has a too many words post up about
corny (anime) romantic comedies, including a point system for scoring them. But he doesn't calculate the scores for any Rumiko Takahashi shows, because he hasn't seen them. Let's see if we can fill in the gap.
2 or more people seriously contending for the affections of one (1 point for each serious contender)
Well, the two main characters have not just suitors but actual fiancees falling out of the woodwork. Let's start by counting themselves (ignoring their protests), and then adding, at a minimum, Ryoga and Kuno for Akane, and Shampoo, Ukyo, Kodachi, and Kuno (again) for Ranma. 8
...who trickle in 1
...who aren't human (1 for each) 0
...who have special powers (1 for each) 3 (being very conservative there)
Dorky hero (1) 0 He's an idiot, but he's not a dork.
...who has a unique power (1) 1
Klutzy heroine (1) 0 Akane may be klutzy in comparison to the grandmaster martial artists who litter the show, but in everyday terms, no.
...who has a unique power (1) 0 Access to malletspace is hardly unique.
Love expressed as violence (1) 1 I can only award one point?
Obvious choice (1) 1
Women with exaggerated figures (1) 0 for the TV series, but definitely 1 for the movies. Shampoo is pretty well-built even in the TV series, but not exaggeratedly so.
Jiggle (1) 1
Panty flashes (1) 1
Ecchi (1) 1 Not frequent, but it is there.
Joshikousei (1) 1 They're everywhere!!
Meido-san (1) 0
Accidental exposure (1) 1 And intentional, of course.
Accidental groping (1) 1
Swimsuits at the beach (1) 1
Bathing and yukatas in a bathhouse (1) 0 I could be wrong, but I don't recall any yukatas.
Kimonos at a summer festival or cultural festival (1) 0 I'm sure I'm wrong this time, but I can't recall a specific instance.
Girl's locker room (1) 1 Panty thief! Get him, girls!
Cosplay (1) 0 Unless you count Romeo and Juliette.
Romances among secondary characters (1) 0 Well, there's Mousse and Shampoo, but that doesn't really get anywhere.
Meganekko (1) 1 Ran-ko.
Annoying relatives (1) 1 You betcha.
Meddlers (friends or family) (1) 1 Big time.
No romantic resolution at the end (1) 0 I haven't seen the end, so just guessing here.
So 27 points for Ranma.
Tomorrow: Urusei Yatsura. Which gets complicated. You'd think no-one would be interested in Ataru, but he nearly gets married more than once. Hard to say who's serious (Elle, Kurama... sort of) and who's just trying to annoy Lum (Ran-chan, Oyuki). And then there's all the boys chasing Lum. And then there's poor Shinobu. And at least half the characters aren't human, so bonus points everywhere...
And I can still only award one point for love expressed as violence? "Darling no BAKA!" FZZZT!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
03:25 PM
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Post contains 480 words, total size 3 kb.
The reason for only one point for "love expressed as violence" is that certain shows (e.g. Urusei Yatsura) would blow the top off the score otherwise. How many times does Lum blast that poor bastard? Probably multiple times per show, based on what I've heard.
In the first two episodes of "Girls Bravo" (all I've watched) the hapless hero gets beat up at least four times IIRC. It's the same thing.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Monday, May 22 2006 04:11 PM (+rSRq)
Heh. Just for giggles, I decided to do
Neon Genesis Evangelion on this grading scale over at The Pond...
Posted by: Wonderduck at Monday, May 22 2006 05:14 PM (zBXYv)
I'd give it the point for "Women with exaggerated figures" for girl-Ranma. Best body in the show, and proud of it :-)
Posted by: Michael Parker at Monday, May 22 2006 06:24 PM (fmiNn)
I think
Negima wins this competition hands-down, although the anime apparently toned it down from the manga. The 30 or so girls include a vampire, a robot who's also a maid, a ninja, a gunslinger, a ghost, a Chinese martial artist, a samurai demon, and more; plenty of swimsuits, panties, nudity (accidental and deliberate), a dorky hero with a unique power (several, actually, including the power to shred girls' clothing with a sneeze), yukata, kimonos, bathhouses, beaches, locker rooms, cosplay, meganekko, groping (usually accidental), meddlers, an obvious choice, a surprising amount of jiggle, a bit of love expressed as violence, and, of course, exaggerated figures, since all of these curvy girls are supposed to be about 14.
Posted by: J Greely at Monday, May 22 2006 09:12 PM (0/vcb)
I'll just note that the munu slogan was, for a while, "We're sorry we accidentally destroyed your panties."
Negima manga is a lot better than the anime.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, May 22 2006 09:56 PM (FRalS)
According to AnimeNFO, Funimation has licensed Negima for Region 1. They've even got a web site for it. It says "Starter set available August 1". I wonder what the heck a "starter set" is?
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Tuesday, May 23 2006 02:36 AM (+rSRq)
Probably a box with one DVD in it.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tuesday, May 23 2006 03:12 AM (FRalS)
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Saturday, May 20
What In Hell I Am Talking About
Here are the promised screencaps. I've resized them to fit on the blog; click for the original size.
First up, we have our Sammy-chan:

And Mama and Papa:

Sasami's friends, who probably have names, but I didn't catch them:

I think this is Misao, but they call her "Shinohara". In Magical Girl Pretty Sammy, Misao's surname was Amano.

Where the old Misao was just terribly shy, this one's a gloompuddle.
Anyway, Sasami with her friends:

Washuu is back, and she hasn't changed at all:

And look who's with her:

We don't normally associate Ryo-ohki with Washuu, but it makes perfect sense.
I don't know who's scarier, Washuu or Haruhi, but when they get that look, it's best not to be in the same universe:

A girl explains the facts of life to a boy:

Ah, the old mirror-on-the-shoe-trick:

Miho-sensei arrives:

Is something wrong?


That's got to be a bit drafty, surely:
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
03:20 PM
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Post contains 167 words, total size 7 kb.
Alright, Mihoshi is a bird-brain, but she isn't <i>that</i> addled. Good grief!
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Saturday, May 20 2006 04:15 PM (+rSRq)
Yeah, that is a pretty weak excuse for a (non-regulation) panty-shot of Mihoshi.
Posted by: Will at Saturday, May 20 2006 04:48 PM (SOx9v)
Nah, that used to happen to my sensei all the time. It's pretty common actually.
Posted by: TallDave at Saturday, May 20 2006 11:24 PM (H8Wgl)
I wanna know where you went to school...
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Sunday, May 21 2006 02:00 AM (+rSRq)
Posted by: Will at Monday, May 22 2006 01:38 AM (RLceB)
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