Well that's good. Fantastic. That gives us 20 minutes to save the world and I've got a post office. And it's shut!
Sunday, July 26
Brigadoon, Or, Marin And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Our heroine doesn't exactly have an easy time of it in this one.* Though she does get a sweet set of wheels at one point.
Marin's voiced by Kaori, and I could swear that I've heard that ahaaa before, but not in any of the shows listed there.
Also, Lolo is a heckuvalot like Guu.
Highly recommended.
Warning: May** contain traces*** of comedy, tragedy, drama, giant robots, parallel dimensions, Tokyo Tower, giant lolis, mecha-turtles, crazed inventors, psychopathic killers, Richard Nixon, magical girl transformation sequences, Apollo 11, graphic violence, Shinto shrines, the end of the world as we know it, the Osaka World Expo, cat-rabbit-elves, warped daydreams, and full-frontal nudity.
No, seriously, SPOILER!
She gets beaten up, blown up, dropped from great heights, shot, stabbed, tortured, (re-)orphaned, blinded, abandoned, her house burned to the ground, stabbed again, and, at the last, since this series does nothing by halves, killed.
Despite all which Spoiler:
there is a happy ending. ** May? Okay, okay, does. *** Large traces.
"In any group of four or more cute girls, one of them must be a
meganeko. It is required. One hyperactive, one ditz, one practical, and
one shy meganeko. It's like quarks."
Naked Naughty Admiral Chicks 'R' Us Part Twelve: Return Of The Revenge Of The Catgirls
Last time I asked for recommendations for recent moeblob shows, and ended up watching Gurren Lagann, which was awesome.
And also Hidamari Sketch (both seasons), which was also awesome, and definitely moeblob material.
So this time I'm looking for an (awesome) action series, with lots of running about and fighting and things blowing up. And I've already seen Black Lagoon.
Oh, the title? Well, Firefrog remembers things you've typed into form fields, and when I started typing "New Recommendation Request", as soon as I hit "n" the first part of that title came up. (SFW, alas.)
Update: I was going to watch Sketchbook Full Color Apostrophes, but apparently I already did. Huh. My mind must be going, because I'd completely forgotten that.
Chrome Shelled Regios or Rideback from recently. El Cazador de la Bruja from a little while back.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Sunday, July 19 2009 08:37 AM (8kQ8M)
Dragon Ball Kai has been going surprisingly well. They're doing a very nice job of cutting out the fat. 15 eps out now, and the Saiyajin arc is almost over. (One more ep, I figure.)
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Sunday, July 19 2009 08:45 AM (+rSRq)
I watched a little of Rideback and pfui. Regios I liked better. El Cazador de la Bruja wasn't bad, what I saw of it. And that reminds me, I could go back and finish Michiko to Hatchin, which was also pretty good.
Dragonball Kai... Hmm.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, July 19 2009 11:39 AM (PiXy!)
Oh, one more for the Moeblob pile: Bamboo Blade. It isn't, not really, but it has some blobbish moments.
Another action show, running right now, would be Canaan. It's looking a lot like another Noir, but with blood and no Reis.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Sunday, July 19 2009 12:36 PM (ZpwKm)
This is what you get when you take a hentai dating simulation, remove most of the hentai, and then use the NO! WRONG! ending.
All the girls are insane, except the one who is crazy. The hero - such as he is - is pretty much the only sane person in sight, and he has the brains of a cheeseburger - or, I suppose, the hormones of a teenager - or he'd run for his life.
Really not recommended. If you want tsundere romangst, try the far superior Toradora or Shana. Or even Zero no Tsukaima. It's all the same character (and the same voice actress) anyway.
Yeah, Akane iro really blew chunks. And there wasn't any fan service.
Posted by: atomic_fungus at Monday, July 06 2009 06:35 AM (M2zC/)
Oh great and mighty Pixy. I have an interesting security issue. Please check your mail. Oh....and wise...did I mention wise?...and kind....and benevolent....
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Monday, July 06 2009 10:27 AM (V5zw/)
Got your email. I'll get that sorted out for you ASAP.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, July 06 2009 01:00 PM (PiXy!)
Apparently the Akane-iro OVA has all the fanservice that's missing from the series - and then some. Haven't set it yet though.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Monday, July 06 2009 05:58 PM (PiXy!)
Hm. I liked it, m'self. Oh, it wasn't high art (more like high fred, art's stupider brother), but it hit just the right notes for me.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Tuesday, July 07 2009 11:29 AM (8kQ8M)
Posted by: Wonderduck at Thursday, July 09 2009 02:26 PM (AnJdu)
Pixy, something really weird is happening over at The Pond. It appears to have wandered into the Wayback Machine, my top post is now from October 3rd, 2007. The page layout is from then as well... help?
Posted by: Wonderduck at Friday, July 10 2009 02:44 PM (AnJdu)
...and now it's back to being correct again. Server Burp?
Posted by: Wonderduck at Friday, July 10 2009 03:05 PM (AnJdu)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Friday, July 10 2009 08:06 PM (PiXy!)
Server says nup nup nup, haven't had so much as a slow query in the past three days.
Very peculiar... Hmm.
Was it showing your old Movable Type site? We had a slight glitch today while moving DNS servers. Only lasted a couple of minutes, but if you picked up the wrong IP address during that time, it would show exactly that - and stick that way for up to four hours. (Only for you - everyone else would see your new site.)
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Friday, July 10 2009 08:12 PM (PiXy!)
Yep, that's exactly what I was looking at. Thanks for clearing that up for me, Pixy!!!
Posted by: Wonderduck at Friday, July 10 2009 10:40 PM (AnJdu)