What happened?
Twelve years!
You hit me with a cricket bat!
Ha! Twelve years!

Wednesday, July 03


Daily News Stuff 3 July 2024

Centrifugal Bumblefuck Edition

Top Story

  • Everything new is old again: A critical vulnerability in OpenSSH that was fixed all the way back in 2006 is back again.  (ZDNet)

    Oops.  Also, fuck.

    Dubbed regreSSHion - it has a cute name, so you know it's serious the bug lets you log into a server by not logging into it.

    That is, you start the login process repeatedly - a hundred times in parallel, if you can - and never complete it, and attach a sneaky payload that has a tiny chance of blowing up on the target server when your login times out.

    On older 32-bit systems it takes a few hours on average for this to work.

    On 64-bit systems it's more complicated to exploit and would take a week or more of constant effort; since the bug has only just been reported nobody has demonstrated a successful attack against a 64-bit system yet, so it may take even longer.

    Reviewing all the servers at work turned up one vulnerable system; every other server was properly locked down.  I don't know who set it up, but I curse their name.  Whatever it is.

Tech News

Disclaimer: We choose to nuke the Moon and do the other things, not because it is easy, but because fuck you, Gandhi.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 06:32 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 471 words, total size 4 kb.

Tuesday, July 02


Daily News Stuff 2 July 2024

Beanz Meanz Heanz Edition

Top Story

  • The Supreme Court has a major First Amendment case among all the administrative law ones, namely Netchoice v. Humanity. This was actually two different cases filed against Florida and Texas laws requiring viewpoint neutrality in online moderation.

    This resulted in a circuit split with the two cases being decided in opposite directions resulting in the Supreme Court ordering them 9-0 to go back and do it properly this time. (CBS)

    The majority opinion (written by Justice Kagan) is favorable to the social networks, while a concurring opinion written by Justice Alito and joined by Gorsuch and Thomas was less so, but all nine justices agreed that the circuit courts made a dog's breakfast of their decisions.

Tech News

  • Looking for a cheap graphics card that is better than a potato? Can't decide between the Nvidia RTX 3050 and AMD's RX 6600? Just buy the 6600. (Tom's Hardware)

    The 6600 outpaces the 3050 even with ray tracing factored in, and if you disable ray tracing - it's not going to be a great experience on low-end cards like these anyway - the 6600 closes in on the 3060.

    I have a couple of 3060s. They're not high-end either, but they do just fine.

  • Thunderbolt 5 cables are here. (Tom's Hardware)

    Thunderbolt 5 itself is absent, but the cables are here. $23 for 1ft, $33 for 3ft. They don't come longer than that.

    Thunderbolt 5 can transfer data up to three times faster than Thunderbolt 4, and supports power delivery up to 240W.

  • The telltale words that could identify generative AI text. (Ars Technica)
    Father: Yes, you can't beat wood ... Gorn!

    Mother: What's gorn dear?

    Father: Nothing, nothing, I just like the word. It gives me confidence. Gorn ... gorn. It's got a sort of woody quality about it. Gorn. Gorn. Much better than 'newspaper' or 'litterbin'.

    Daughter: Frightful words.

    Mother: Perfectly dreadful.
    Sorry, sorry, cited the wrong paper there. I'll come in again:
    The word "delves," for instance, shows up in 25 times as many 2024 papers as the pre-LLM trend would expect; words like "showcasing" and "underscores" increased in usage by nine times as well. Other previously common words became notably more common in post-LLM abstracts: the frequency of "potential" increased 4.1 percentage points; "findings" by 2.7 percentage points; and "crucial" by 2.6 percentage points, for instance.
    Seemly... Prodding... Vacuum.

  • How to get rich in 2024. (The Verge)

    1. Start an AI company three years ago.
    2. Run out of money.
    3. Have one of the trillion-dollar tech companies hire away all your staff. It doesn't matter which one. You choose.
    4. Have them license your tech for hundreds of millions of dollars so they don't get sued.

  • Democratic senators on the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs have sent a letter to fintech company Synapse, its major banking partner Evolve, and everyone else in the vicinity saying, and I quote, "What the fuck guys? Get your shit sorted out or we'll come over there and sort you out." (Tech Crunch)

    Synapse imploded a couple of months ago when its Chapter 11 reorganisation plans collapsed and it was left without enough cashflow to operate. The problem is that Synapse operated as an intermediary between its customers, their customers, and banks like Evolve. And now nobody can get their money because Synapse was handling the details and Synapse is toast.

    Double toast, possibly, because between $65 million and $96 million of the customer funds deposited through Synapse have allegedly gone walkabout.

    Nor is Synapse the only source of drama there:
    On June 26, Evolve Bank announced that it had been victim of a cyberattack and data breach that could have affected its partner companies as well. The incident, according to the company, involved "the data and personal information of some Evolve retail bank customers and financial technology partners' customers" such as Affirm, Mercury, Bilt, Alloy and Stripe. On June 29, fintech company Wise announced that some of its customers' personal data may have been stolen in the data breach. Also last week, Thread Bank – a popular partner to BaaS startups such as Unit – got hit with enforcement action from the FDIC. Notably, the order issued to Thread, as the publication Paymnts pointed out, "is unique in that it explicitly calls out the bank's Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) and Loan-as-a-Service (LaaS) programs."
    Bilt? Paymnts? For $65 million surely these guys can afford a new keyboard.

Disclaimer: I tried to spell judgment without an "e" and it came out judgmnt. Now I'm in a predicamnt. Confusd.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 05:05 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 761 words, total size 6 kb.

Monday, July 01


Daily News Stuff 1 July 2024

Independence Month Edition

Top Story

  • Speaking truth to idiots: Rodney Brooks, MIT professor of robotics and founder of iRobot (the Roomba company) thinks that most of the present-day AI people are full of shit.  (Tech Crunch)

    Well he says they're "vastly overestimating generative AI" but what he means is they're full of shit.
    "When a human sees an AI system perform a task, they immediately generalize it to things that are similar and make an estimate of the competence of the AI system; not just the performance on that, but the competence around that," Brooks said. "And they’re usually very over-optimistic, and that’s because they use a model of a person’s performance on a task."
    This seems right to me.

    People say "oh, this AI gave the correct answer to a complex question, it must understand the topic".  But that's not how LLMs work at all.  They're exclusive statistical pattern matchers, with no model of anything beyond that.

    Humans (and other animals) are statistical pattern matchers too, but even flatworms are capable of learning.  LLMs as commonly implemented are not.  They are trained, once, then lobotomised to prevent them contemplating heresy and sent out into the world.

Tech News

Disclaimer: I got my assets stuck in a mountain once, but we don't talk about it.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 06:36 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 538 words, total size 5 kb.

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