It was a bad day. A lot of bad stuff happened. And I'd love to forget it all. But I don't. Not ever. Because this is what I do. Every time, every day, every second, this: On five, we're bringing down the government.
So each of those four characters was being run by a different human? That would explain a lot.
(Part of the "stupid" was, "Why are they going over that stuff instead of around it?")
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Sunday, March 11 2007 03:17 PM (+rSRq)
The ability of the better players to grab the slower ones and help them is killer, now you don't have to sort friends into uber gamers, gamers, and not gamers, you just pick up the controllers and go.
Posted by: Puff at Tuesday, March 13 2007 02:03 AM (iKww2)
5So each of those four characters was being run by a different human?
So I understand. I believe this was a live demo, with four people playing the game in front of a crowd.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tuesday, March 13 2007 10:12 AM (uj4NK)
What the world needs is a live-action Kim Possible movie.
"Why is it always monkeys? Why can't I ever be attacked by crazed supermodels?"
"This is so my worst nightmare."
"My worst nightmare is the one where I'm in school in my underwear."
"Ron, you've actually done that."
"Come on Dad, you're a rocket scientist. Can't you do something?"
"Well, I could put it into geosynchronous orbit, but I'm not sure how that would help."
Posted by: Wonderduck at Thursday, March 01 2007 11:19 AM (CJ5+Y)
I dunno... does it really? I'm not convinced. Then again, I'm generally against needless conversions of animated material to live-action (which, nowadays, is better than 50% CG anyway).
Posted by: GreyDuck at Thursday, March 01 2007 12:09 PM (GRUEw)
Posted by: triticale at Thursday, March 01 2007 09:26 PM (oKIjC)
They're doing a live-action Underdog movie (with Peter Dinklage as Simon Bar-Sinister). I'm sure a live-action Kim Possible movie is on some studio head's clipboard, even as we speak. Um, write. Type on a keyboard...
Posted by: BeckoningChasm at Friday, March 02 2007 05:56 PM (kLWtB)
6Just not so sure about the Rufus, the naked mole rat, that hangs out in Ron's pocket.
And the mole rat will be CGI.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sunday, March 04 2007 10:41 AM (VImBE)