I'm in the future. Like hundreds of years in the future. I've been dead for centuries.
Oh, lovely, you're a cheery one aren't you?

Saturday, November 12


Winners And Losers

What we've learned from 2016, as far as politics goes
  • Advertising doesn't work
  • Polls don't work
  • Newspaper endorsements don't work
  • Celebrity endorsements don't work
  • Telling your opponent's voters they are bigoted fools really, really doesn't work
  • Complaining about your opponents living in an impenetrable bubble when you write for the New York Fucking Times just makes you look silly
  • No-one really knows what's going on, especially Paul Krugman, except that
  • Liberals are consistently poor losers
  • Populism, generally
  • The alt-right, unfortunately
  • Twitter, surprisingly
  • Reddit
  • Rule of law
  • The mainstream media and their perennial sense of entitlement
  • Academia generally, and the screaming campus garbage babies in particular (which is why they're rioting in such hotbeds of conservatism as Oakland, Berkeley, and Portland)
  • The globalist agenda
  • Facebook
  • Political dynasties
  • Snark as a substitute for adult discourse
  • Polling organisations.  Guys, you got everything wrong this year.  Everything.
  • The breathless pearl-clutching incredibly sincere liberals infesting my technology and pop-culture podcast feeds
  • SJWs and their entire blighted worthless movement
  • Huge secretive trade agreements like TPP and TTIP
I'm buoyed up at the moment on a tsunami of schadenfreude, because I loathe those losers (as may be apparent).  But I'm far from complacent about Donald Trump being leader of the free world, which he IS, or rather, will be in two short months.

But politics is suddenly interesting again, social trends that needed a resounding slap upside the head have been so slapped, and the most corrupt presidential candidate in living memory got soundly thumped.

If we're all dead in four years time I'll regret it then, but not today.  Not today.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 12:10 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 270 words, total size 2 kb.

Wednesday, November 09


Four Flaming Skulls

Trump is still Trump, but for now it's time to celebrate.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 04:59 PM | No Comments | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 14 words, total size 1 kb.

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