What is that?
It's a duck pond.
Why aren't there any ducks?
I don't know. There's never any ducks.
Then how do you know it's a duck pond?

Thursday, April 26



Threw my sleep cycle out, got interrupted by a phone call just as I was trying to get back to sleep, and ended up having a completely unproductive day.

Rewatched: The first 9 episodes of Bleach.  It really was a good show before it hit the Soul Society arc.  And even then, it was at least watchable until it hit the fillers.  Just slow-moving and cliched, and relying too heavily on the emotional attachment to the characters that was built in the early episodes.

The second episode of Haruhi (that is, the first proper episode), which confirmed my opinion of the series (and it's interesting to go back and see the hints they were throwing out in the early episodes).  While I wouldn't claim that Haruhi  is better than Haibane Renmei, I certainly enjoyed it more, and would likely recommend it before Haibane Renmei. Depends on the target audience, of course, but Haibane Renmei for all its fine qualities is emotionally exhausting.

Watched: Episode 1 of the new Kyo-Ani thingy, Lucky Star.  I agree with everyone else on the planet: It's an attempt to recreate the success of Azumanga Daioh by people with no understanding of why Azumanga Daioh was successful.  And crappy animation.  Whatever I might say about the plot and characters of Kanon, it is undeniable that it is visually superb. Lucky Star isn't.

Also some of Pythagoras Switch (Pitagora Suicchi), which is a crackup.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 07:27 PM | No Comments | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
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Tuesday, April 24


Goodness, Badness

The bad thing about working in the city is that you have to go into the city every day.

The good thing about working in the city is that if you need to go into the city, you're already there.

None of my local bookshops have the new Harry Dresden novel, White Night.1 Galaxy Bookshop had it, of course, but they're in the city and I didn't have two hours to spare for the trip there and back just to buy one book.2

Today I had a meeting in Edgecliff, so afterwards I dropped in at Galaxy. Naturally, they've sold out. They expect to have more in two to three weeks...

1 $13?! It's $50 here in Oz!3 Goddam it, when is there going to be an amazon.com.au? They'd clean up down here.

2 Well, there's a new volume of Battle Vixens out too, but that doesn't improve the balance of the equation all that much.

3 Right now, thats US$42.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at 05:50 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment | Trackbacks (Suck)
Post contains 162 words, total size 1 kb.

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