Well that's good. Fantastic. That gives us 20 minutes to save the world and I've got a post office. And it's shut!
Friday, August 24
The Bunny Returns
I turned off my old Firewire external drive to see if the power supply is compatible with the flaky Western Digital drive. It isn't. So I turned it back on, and it went skwik skwik skwik skwik skwik skwik skiwk.
We have a radio show here in the States called Car Talk (been on for like 20 years) people call in and explain their car troubles to these guys. Often they end up immitating the noises the car makes when it's having touble...
which is why I read this and started laughing... sorry. It was the skwik, skwik, skwik, that got me. *grin*
Posted by: Teresa at Saturday, August 25 2007 12:09 AM (rVIv9)
Zzzzz... Eep! Type type type tyypp zzz... Eep! Typetypetype...
Tired. Upset tummy last night - still a bit twitchy, though fortunately nothing like before. Then trying to wrap up what turned out to be two days worth of work today, which worked about as well as you'd expect.
What I'm working on is the style/layout/image wizard thingy, a.k.a. theme builder. It's nearly ready, but there are so many options (literally, hundreds), screens, functions, and interactions that it's taking a leetle longer than I had anticipated. Plus CSS templates are a real joy to work with. Just like, well, CSS itself.
I'll be installing it on my blog tomorrow to check it against the live environment, and then release it shortly after that.
On the other hand, I worked out how to prevent my external disk from going to sleep: I put μTorrent's download directory there.
Sounds like the reboot is going pretty well. Next, pizza!
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Tuesday, August 14 2007 01:07 AM (+rSRq)
Yeah. Took a while, but I'm definitely getting back to normal. Might leave the pizza for another few days though.
Yesterday I had rice for dinner. With a little soy sauce. My next-door neighbours were having a barbecue.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Tuesday, August 14 2007 02:02 AM (PiXy!)
Yay! Diversifying the diet. *grin* Slow is good. Dairy is pretty difficult - leave it for last. Here's hoping you now improve very quickly!
Posted by: Teresa at Tuesday, August 14 2007 03:04 AM (gsbs5)
Pixy, having had two bouts in my lifetime, what you went through/are going through is absolutely no fun at all. If (and only if) the doc put you on a high dose of broadspectrum antibiotics ask him (her?) about adding some lacto-bacillus (sp?) caps for a few days to re-establish the intestinal flora. It helped me. Best to ya bud, having it coming out of both ends is almost like chemo-therapy... whoops, been there done that too.
Posted by: GM Roper at Wednesday, August 15 2007 12:37 PM (S60yG)
After a major case of salmonella, it takes a couple of days for your intestinal flora to get reestablished. It doesn't really matter what you eat; anything will treat you badly.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Thursday, August 09 2007 05:29 PM (+rSRq)
That's certainly what's happening. I'm finding that lots of fluids and a small amount of dry solids is the best approach. I'm also taking multivitamins until my diet gets back to something approaching normal.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Thursday, August 09 2007 07:44 PM (PiXy!)
While it says Not Happy, it's so much better than yesterday's
Blargh-bordering-Botulismanella that I have to stop and think for a
moment before I realise that I'm still sick.
Well, there's also the fact that all I've eaten for two days is half a
packet of water crackers, and I threw up everything from the day before
that, and I'm still not hungry... So, off to the supermarket for
Hope things are continuing to get better. I know you've got various recommendations for easy to digest food on the last post, but here's mine- BRAT [bananas, rice, apples, toast].
And if you can't keep gatorade down, you might try repentishing some electrolytes with lite salt, the half NaCl, half KCl kind.
Posted by: owlish at Sunday, August 05 2007 11:18 AM (j0JKI)
Okay, that wasn't fun. Back to the dry cereal and iced tea diet, I guess. And I'm going to throw out everything in my refrigerator.
(I've been having tummy trouble on and off all this week, which has screwed up my sleep and delayed Minx 1.1 and all that depends on it. Yesterday I seemed to be over it, and I got adventurous and made myself a couple of toasted sandwiches. Baaaad move. I think I used the same BBQ sauce I used when it started, so that's going straight in the bin. Then everything else from the fridge. Then wipe it down with bleach. Then wipe myself down with bleach. Then I'll try half a glass of Gatorade and a small peeled apple.)
There was a recall of BBQ sauce and some other products here in the States recently because it was feared it might be contaminated with botulism. But I don't know if you guys buy that kind of thing from us. (It's a long way to ship.)
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Friday, August 03 2007 05:18 PM (+rSRq)
It's an Australian brand, and not on that list. I've had the bottle for a while; I think it might just have gone off, though it's within its expiry date.
I've stopped throwing up, which is a bit of a problem because I think I need to throw up once more. Found some Alka-Seltzer in the bathroom, so I'm going to see if that helps at all. Worst case I'll just throw up...
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Friday, August 03 2007 07:17 PM (PiXy!)
I'm sorry to hear this. I hope that expunging your frig contents helps.
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Saturday, August 04 2007 01:56 AM (+rSRq)
Okay, now downgraded from Mild Food Poisoning -> Upset Tummy -> Vaguely Queasy. Going to try some water crackers.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Saturday, August 04 2007 05:19 AM (PiXy!)
Gatorade is good if you can stand it: Restores the m-m-m-minerals. I just wish they'd come up with a "neutral" flavor-- I find most of the versions kinda vile on a queasy stomach. Take care!
Posted by: Old Grouch at Saturday, August 04 2007 05:43 AM (Eb1Qm)
This sounds like salmonella, and salmonella is not a lot of fun. You definitely have my sympathy!
Posted by: Steven Den Beste at Saturday, August 04 2007 09:32 AM (+rSRq)
Seems to be over now, but I'm not touching anything more complex than instant noodles for a week.
OG - yeah. You can get a special mixture from the chemist that you dissolve in water that does the same, but it's five times the price and tastes no better.
Steven - it does sound like salmonella, at least from the overall symptoms and persistence. I did have a slight fever, plenty of fatigue, and had headaches on and off for the past few days. Fortunately missed out on the don't read this
bloody diarrhea just having the normal kind.
I'm disappointed to learn that Salmonella Tennessee is just a variant of the bacterium and not a vector à la Typhoid Mary.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Saturday, August 04 2007 01:10 PM (PiXy!)
Best thing - once you can start keeping anything down... Coca Cola. The real thing not the fake artifical sweetener type. It should be a little flat, pour it into a glass and let it sit a bit - I like mine with ice in it so it's not so strong. Coke syrup used to be used for that very thing way back when.
I can't drink it on a regular basis because of the additives (*sigh* talk about migraines!) but I always have a six pack on hand for if I get sick (I've had a bout or 2 of food poisoning myself - it sucks). If I start drinking it too soon... at least it's not bad coming back the other way. Once I can keep something down - the sugar is good fuel, the liquid hydrates, and the syrup really does work to calm the stomach. (cause we all know how jumpy the stomach is after something like this) Give it a try.
I'm sorry you've been so sick - that's a bummer.
Posted by: Teresa at Saturday, August 04 2007 02:36 PM (gsbs5)
Thanks Teresa.
I feel a lot better today, but I'm definitely going to take it easy for a bit.
Yeah, flat Coke maybe. Thinking about fizzy Coke right now isn't good...
The iced tea I drink also seems to be good for an unsettled stomach, so I'm going to buy some more of that now.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Saturday, August 04 2007 03:55 PM (PiXy!)