If Hitler invaded Hell, I would give a favourable reference to the Devil.
Monday, April 19

Posted by: Pixy Misa at
08:50 AM
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Thursday, April 15

There aren't any quite like it, and this one is mine all mine.
Happy 1th birthday Ambient Irony!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
12:14 AM
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Wednesday, April 14

Gonna be a bonfire tonight, a bonfire tonight, I know, I know...
Gooood evening ladies and germs, and welcome one and all to the Bonfire of the Vanities!
I'm your host, The Extremely Reverend Pixy Misa, and tonight we will be sacrificing our most worthless, our most inane, our most incoherent babblings to the flames! And if things get a little carried away, possibly a blogger or two as well!
Right, who's up first?
Shy crowd, eh? Well, I'll just draw a name out of the hat. Oh, look! It's
Susie of
Practical Penumbra, who takes great pride in
connecting the dots with... the other dots. Burn for me, Susie!
And now we have John Moore of
Useful Fools who tries to contribute by
throwing a couple of Democrats into the fire! Don't
be silly, John! We all know that politicians are too wet to burn!
Competing in our Inane Remark category is Sean Hackbarth of
The American Mind who informs us that
the head of the NBA is an InstaPundit
reader. Or that someone who isn't the head of the NBA is an IsntaPundit
reader. Or something.
In our Put not thy faith in weathermen category we have Kiril Kundurazieff of
Sneakeasy's Joint complaining that
sometimes it will rain even if the guy on TV
said it wouldn't!! We all hate that, right? Right! Into the flames with it, Kiril!
Michael Friedman of
Fried Man regretfully informs us that Kevin Drum has
SOLD OUT! and is now pimping for the Global Sorority
Conspiracy! Hey, Michael, how come we never get invited to those parties?
Oh, never mind. Burn, baby, burn!
Can't keep up with what's going on in the sports world any more? Don't worry! Beth Donovan of
She Who Will Be Obeyed Or Else Dammit is here to fill us all in on the
latest news from, um,
Augusta, maybe? I dunno. One of
those places.
Andrew Ian Dodge of
Dodgeblogium has -
Aah! My eyes! Ze goggles, they do nothing!
And while you're recovering from that, we have a competitor in the Non-Sequitur category. Meet Jim
Snoozebutton Dreams who tells us about
a show that he cannot describe and therefore,
Into the fire with him! Oops, no, just the post... Oh well.
The inimitable Harvey of
Bad Money looks for blogging inspiration to
Bad Dog Jake - who is, alas, an actual dog and
so inspires only more fodder for the bonfire...
Not that that is a bad thing.
Photon Courier, apparently mistaking the Bonfire for the Carnival,
sends us a fine post noting the similarities between
idiots now and
sixty years ago. Let's toss it in the flames anyway!
Alex of
Hypocrisy and Hypotheses explains to us the difference between
a buffalo's fingers and a buddy... Or
possibly not. Burn it anyway! Bwahahahahahahaah - cough!
Ah... Has anyone been putting any, mmm, substances, in the fire? If so, see me after the show stop
it right now!
Goldie the
Drama Queen has let herself grow addicted to
frogs balls. But she tells us she's doing just
fine in therapy and will be out in no time!
Meanwhile, Comrade Dave of
Blogo Slovo makes it known that he
does not want to turn into
a giant Iguana. At least, not a small-town giant Iguana. A big city giant Iguana, that's different.
Burn it! Burn it!
Bryan of
Spare Change
watches The Bachelor. But he tells us he's doing
just fine in therapy and will be out in no time!
Is it hot in here, or is it just me? Why did we build the Bonfire indoors, by the way?
Nathan of
The Argus manages to link Turkmenistan (which he claims is a real
country) and the Cavity Creeps (who we know are real)
together in a single post, endangering
the very existence of Reality unless we take swift action by throwing it into the fire!
Always works, that. Reality endangered? Into the fire!
Gleeful Extremist recommends that
we all see Cheaper by the
Dozen. Uh, and that's about it. Sure burns well, though. Flames, so pretty...
Brian takes time out from his musings to tell us
that he is outraged!
Absolutely outraged! And if you act now, he'll throw in a free set of steak knives!
Heather, perhaps you could have a quiet word with your husband?
Eric of
Classical Values is
decapitating chocolate bunnies for peace!
And something about Ishtar and Indymedia, but it's already burnt, so we won't worry about that.
Interested Participant attempts to convince us that
snakes evolved from lawyers, when we all know that snakes
really evolved from insurance salesmen. Nice try, IP, but it's into the flames you go!
Crackle crackle burn burn...
The Princess of Fools, from the
Kingdom of Fools has
some very insightful commentary for us, so daddy decides
to offer it up for the Bonfire. Just you wait, your Kingness!
In the It seemed amusing at the time category we have contestent Kevin of
Wizbang who tells us that Arnold
rescued a struggling swimmer. And, well, that's basically
it. Arnold rescued a struggling swimmer.
Bill Bulldog, posting from
Beyond the Black Hole,
explains the Olympics to us. At least, I think he
explained the Olympics to us. Not always easy to tell.
And, finally, we have
Chapomatic who tells us that he has, indeed,
seen everything.
Oh look! The nice gentlemen in the shiny red trucks have arrived! If anyone wants me, I'll be 'round the back!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
07:49 AM
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Post contains 918 words, total size 11 kb.
Monday, April 12

I'm still splitting wood and gathering tinder, so you have time yet to put your entry in for this week's Bonfire of the Vanities.
So gather up your most inane, nonsensical blather and email it to bonfire at wizbangblog.com, along with any explanation you may have for its wretched existence. (Your post, that is, not Wizbang.)
Sacrifice your offerings to the Burning Blog!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
05:44 PM
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Post contains 69 words, total size 1 kb.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at
10:06 AM
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Post contains 4 words, total size 1 kb.
Saturday, April 10

Posted by: Pixy Misa at
01:37 PM
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Between my very high-res monitor (I'm running it at 1792 x 1344) and the small fonts on Ambient Irony, I can still see the entire Munuvian blogroll on screen at once.
Rest assured that we are working tirelessly to address this issue.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
07:38 AM
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Post contains 48 words, total size 1 kb.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at
05:37 AM
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Post contains 4 words, total size 1 kb.
Monday, April 05

Just testing something tricky. Don't mind me...
And waddya know, it worked. Hehehehehehe. This could be fun!
Posted by: Pixy Misa at
11:24 PM
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Post contains 19 words, total size 1 kb.
Sunday, April 04

Posted by: Pixy Misa at
12:29 AM
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Post contains 8 words, total size 1 kb.
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